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Ian A

Über Member
Did kick boxing and thai boxing when I was younger but not to a particularly high level. Mainly sparring with the odd "friendly" inter club competition thrown in. One of the clubs I trained at used a room in a boxing gym. Seeing the better boxers at the gym work was, quite frankly, frightening. Getting hit by one of those guys would be very different to anything I have experienced.
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Pro Tour Punditry
Getting hit by one of those guys would be very different to anything I have experienced.

Aye, I remember seeing someone being hit by a "proper boxer" (I think he was NSW champion - it was when I lived in Australia) and the other bloke crumpled in a heap after being propelled several feet backwards. But both the "victim" of the punch and I could handle the boxer nae problem on the rugby field. In fact, after the punch incident, we made it our goal to nail him (legally of course) at every opportunity.


Or by a cricket ball


Ouch ouch OUCH!


I've always wanted (in a sort of half-hearted way) to have a go at boxing. I would imagine it's great for getting rid of pent-up tension. And living as I do part-time in Doncaster, it would be a useful skill to learn with practical applications too numerous to list.



Puzzle game procrastinator!
If dogs are anything to go by it will end in tears.....

of laughter.

I find that fascinating!

All of those dogs were reacting the same way to having shoes on, and I have never seen dogs not wearing shoes move like that. I can't quite figure out what they they are trying to do. Perhaps the feel of the shoes makes them think that they have got their paws stuck in mud and they need to pull them out?


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
If you haven't had a punch up the bracket yet I'm still available.

*puts horseshoe in glove*
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