Central Scotland Ride

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New Member
OK I will be at the Travelodge for 0945 on Sunday, nice once Scoosh old bean.

Those who are worried about the weather could bring an umbrella; handy for keeping the rain off and an excellent sail for the long clear stretches. Also handy for lodging in fellow cyclists spokes if they get a bit shirty with you for not wearing a helmet :rolleyes:

Seriously though, if we manage 20kph or above then that's less than two hours out in the rain; well worth the quality of chat and road safety advice you will receive :wacko:

Gooooooo, now don't be pulling a fast one...


Senior Member
:blush:Sorry guys but I'm going to have to be the 1st one to drop out - I hope I don't start a trend.

My excuse is that I've been promising No 1 son I'd take him out on a proper bike ride since he got his new bike at Christmas but for one reason and another we've not managed it yet. The other day he got his Maths test results and they showed a huge improvement so it's time to organise the ride and since I had arranged the time to be on the bike on Sunday it seems the perfect time.

I thought about taking him on the cycle chat ride but I think it's a bit soon for that. He doesn't have much experience of riding on the road and although he's been playing plenty of football he's not being doing much riding so I've no idea if he'll be able to do the distance or if he'll be able to keep up. Plus of course I don't want to put anyone off these rides if they can't keep up with a 12 year old on a mountain bike.:rolleyes:

Sorry I won't be there but I'll be on my bike at the same time so I'll be there in spirit at least. Hope you all have a good time and the weather improves for us.


Bike Fluffer
I think I'm going to have to pull out at the last minute (as my father always told me to do ;-) ) of this one too. Got visitors coming up tonight from Cumbria to see our daughter (new baby = visitors pretty much every weekend!). If I can make it, I'll see you all there at Tesco's, if not, I'll definitely make it to the next one!


Tsk, tsk, quickdraw and eldudino. Imagine letting kids get in the way (oh wait a minute I have plenty of experience with that!). :wacko:

Seriously though, nay problem. Family always comes first. Congrats eldudino on the new arrival! Is this your first? Obviously your fathers advice didn't quite work....:wacko:


Legendary Member
HLaB said:
Just confirming, its 10.30 in the tesco car park (10 laps :laugh:) ?

If we are racing around the car park I'll bring my GT trolley, with go faster mesh and carbon kids seats. :biggrin:


Yup, 10:30am. I'll probably go for the later train from Glasgow, due to the lost of an hours sleep.

Goo, I've got a bottle cage now, so your services won't be required on this ride....:laugh::biggrin:


Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
Which pub was it we were meeting? Just in case I need to shelter in there while I wait for you all to turn up...:rolleyes:


HJ, it's the tesco car park. Of course if there happens to be a pub near there...xx(

So are we all set? I'm just about to pop out and give the Racelight a once over, and add a new saddle bag. I've learned from experience that a fully loaded rucksack doesn't help with hill climbing. ;)

I'll be bringing along a few things that I might want to leave in someones car, if that's ok. I might chance it and not put the waterproof on!

The weather on metcheck is looking pretty good at the moment. Dry, 7C, possibly with some sun! Ok there will be a bit of a wind (14mph) but nothing too serious (and it must be a tail wind at some point!).

Looking forward to meeting some old friends and some new friends! :eek:


Just got in after doing 15mls to loosen the legs up for the run, it was quite hard in the wind as i have not done that many miles this month, still tommorow should be fun.


New Member
bhoyjim said:
Just got in after doing 15mls to loosen the legs up for the run, it was quite hard in the wind as i have not done that many miles this month, still tommorow should be fun.

OMG! I'm deliberately doing no exercise today to save the legs... Worried now.

HLaB said:
Ive just been invited to watch the game tonight :thumbsup: so I might turn up a wee bit worse for wear tomorrow xx(

That's good news - now if I can just nobble the rest of you somehow! Oh, wait a minute, I'll be having a drink and watching the football too.... d'oh!
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