Cities Fit for Cycling - The Times

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Well-Known Member
North London
thanks PK99, I looked but found the site hard to navigate.
As I posted yesterday; tip*5 is so worrying!


Riding the Devil's HIghway
Bolton, England
I just went back to The Times campaign page and came across a safe cycling graphic - 12 points around a bike wheel, which you click through to see the issue explained. It was rather good but now I can't find it again! If you find it, can you post a link please?
I looked at that yesterday. To be honest, I wasn't that impressed. It looks as though it has been done in a hurry and, as well as having a number of typos and grammatical errors, I don't like some of the messages that it contains.

In 3, they misquote the highway code by stating: "leave as much space when overtaking a cyclist as you would when overtaking a car", which is even more ambiguous than the original HC version: "give motorcyclists, cyclists and horse riders at least as much room as you would when overtaking a car".

In 5, the advice is very bad. You shouldn't rely on looking for signs that a door might open; you should assume it will and cycle far enough away that it doesn't matter.

In 7, the cyclist in the picture is cycling far too close to the bus. They should be in the middle of the lane there. (And the text says nothing about this.)

In 8, the left-turning cyclist should not have moved close to the kerb before turning; they should be in primary position up to and around the turn, until they are clear of the junction.

In 9, the cyclist is riding too close to the kerb; they should be about 1 metre away, and even further out if there is a pedestrian there. (And the text says nothing about this.)

Interesting subliminal helmet message in 10, by the way.

I'm a bit suspicious of the stopping distances in 11. They seem too short to me, though I haven't checked them out.

There are also lots of issues that could have been included in there that haven't.


Well-Known Member
North London
Why? It's common sense.
In fact, it's probably the least offensive tip. Number 6 is far worse...
The Highway code advises cyclists to pass parked cars with 3ft. clearance; much better advice than looking into every car as you pass.
*6, looks like good advice to me; why do you disagree?


Well-Known Member
North London
... As for number 6: have you actually read what they're telling motorists?

OK the wording might be weird but I cannot see any objection, I think it's good advice to motorists. Also, cycle lanes that lead to Advanced Stop Lines are a death trap, I'd rather go 'round the outside or not at all if I'm not sure when the lights are going to change.


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Many car doors open over 3' wide. If I'm cycling near parked cars, I'm further out than that.

I do tend to keep an eye on wing mirrors and through the back windows. I also keep an eye out for wheels turned outwards (classic indication they may be preparing to pull out).

As for number 6: have you actually read what they're telling motorists?


I see no problem with that... CBT trains motorcyclists to ride as if everyone is crazy and out to kill them, we cycle as if everyone is crazy and trying to kill us (...or at least I do), so where's the problem?


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Nr Cambridge
The one thing that The Times has done with this is put the phrasing in the perspective of the motorists. Sure they missed out the fact it's the motorists responsibly to make sure that the road is clear for the turn before executing the maneuver. But fundamentally the advice to both motorists & cyclists is sane just worded badly. This is very different to item number 5 which is simply the wrong advice, good or bad wording doesn't help the matter that the advice given is simply incorrect at a fundamental level.


Active Member
Saff Landin
"Cyclists often skip reds at junctions, or undertake". Let's perpetuate the myth that all cyclists are RLJers. After all, it's not as if motorists ever RLJ...

On my route to work i cross 4-5 big junctions.
Has to be said >80% of cyclists pay no regard to traffic lights or any road restrictions.
The junction of Longley Road with Tooting High street never ceases to amaze me.
i seem to be the only fool on a bike who bothers to stop and wait at the lights.
The number of cyclists who seem to jump the lights or cut onto the pavement across the pedestrian crossing in the direction of St Georges is alarming.

the question i often ask to myself is why are these people in such a hurry to play silly buggers like they do ?
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