Clipless Pedals FAQ

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I haven’t dared use them outside yet, practicing in the house I’m having so much trouble getting my shoes clipped in.
By all means, practise the technique whilst sitting on the bike in a doorway or hallway. However, it's very different outside as you'll be pushing off with one clipped in foot and having to clip the other in a reasonable time whilst the crank is moving. I'm making it sound worse than it is as it's one of those "once you've done it you'll wonder what the fuss is all about".
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I also found that concentrating on pedalling first and clipping in second helps. If you try to clip in first before getting any forward momentum you're more likely to end up in a heap :blush:


Senior Member
I know i'm going to get some comments on this but i personally think it's more dangerous as say with close calls they always happen when you least expect so your more likely to end up in a accident. That's why i'll never go clipless as i prefer to be able to put my foot down quickly especially when it comes to close calls.
Also no point of wasting money on actual cycling shoes which are probs harder to walk in.

ps also the odd thing is why are they called clipless when they have clips?


The term clipless refers to the lack of toe clips as that’s what people used to use.

As to safer or not, only you can decide that. There’ll be many who don’t share your opinion but equally many who don’t care what you use :smile:


Senior Member
Tyne & Wear
After many hours of trying to clip in, in the house, I’ve finally figured out what I was doing wrong. I was putting my foot in the wrong position on the pedal so I was trying to clip in the front of the cleat into the back of the clip on the pedal. I’m not always getting it right, but a bit more practice and I,, be ready to terrorise the dogs in my local park


If I change from SPD to Shimano road pedals and cleats how many seconds quicker would I be on a 50 mile ride?


If I change from SPD to Shimano road pedals and cleats how many seconds quicker would I be on a 50 mile ride?



Senior Member
Tyne & Wear
Possibly the most embarrassing clipless moment ever. I managed to cycle to and from work, with a couple of hairy moments but did eventually get to my front door with no falls. Unclipped one foot ready to get off my bike, came to a lovely controlled stop and the bike leaned to my clipped in side. Oopsy, at least the grass was soft I just hope non of the neighbours were watching :addict:


Deplorable Brexiteer
So what actual tangible benefit do you gain from riding clipless, apart from giving your neighbours something to laugh at when you topple off?


Only issue I've had since changing to clipless is having a bolt on one spd cleat coming loose. This meant I literaly could not free my foot from the pedal.

Luckily as I was starting to fall to the right I finally remembered I had another foot and managed to free that one just before I would of fallen into the car next to me at the lights.

And yes I now check the tightness fairly frequently
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