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New Member
A (not blood) relative of mine self-confessedly knows nothing about wine. For example he might call and ask whether I've ever heard of a wine called murlott or peeno grijeeo and whether it's worth spending £3 on a bottle because some blokes trying to offload a case on to him.

But when he comes to my house and I offer him a beer, he would rather go without than drink stella artois. Preferring instead michelob or "any ice beer".

Go figure.


Über Member
Belvedere, Kent.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
TheDoctor said:
Canada: the very epitome of dullness.

Edited that for you....:laugh:

When Guinness extra cold first came out, I was working at Icelend. We had a stock delivery one day, and there was some Guinness Extra Cold, so we stashed a case in the chiller store upstairs, and then when it was cold, took it down with all the other stock to put out, and explained to the slightly gullible cashier on duty that it was brewed in a way that made it stay cold...
User3094 said:
Stella Artois = brewed in its originating country to its original recipe and imported into Britain.

Michelob / Icy Beer = "Brewed" under license in Burton upon Trent to some dull facsimilie of its original recipe and branded to attract mugs in the UK.

So as well being a wine pleb, he knows nowt about beer either.

Most of the Stella you get in the UK is brewed under licence here, just another generic eurofiz.


Dave Davenport said:
Most of the Stella you get in the UK is brewed under licence here, just another generic eurofiz.

Yes, Stella is brewed in Magor, South Wales. Same "brewery" as canned Boddingtons.


New Member
I do not profess to be a beer connoisseur. I have found myself ordering ale in pubs with increasing frequency (where I used to drink only lager in pubs) - a sure sign I am getting old.

I tend to drink lager at home though. I'm not overly fussy about which lager.

My point was simply that bottled lager is bottled lager (certainly of the stella type) and to me, you can't really get too fussy between stella, michelob, fosters, misc ice beers etc. All the more so when you don't really have a very discerning palate in any other respects - wine, in this case, being only one example.

I don't mean to be condescending, it's just something that always makes me chuckle.


Uncle Mort said:
Yeuch! Heresy.

Back when Boddington's was brewed in Manchester, it used to be a really decent session pint, but I never had a decent one outside of the Manchester area. Since they relocated to Hyde's, it's become excerable filth.
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