Contador stays at Astana

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rich p

ridiculous old lush
Unlikely as you say.

Will Astana be invited to the Tour with Vino in the team?


Well-Known Member
Velonews had a good article on his options.

Essentially, Bertie has a couple of possible legal options on getting his contract anulled.

One being Astana weren't paid for a while, so could be in breach of contract themselves. Another one is that he signed up for three years on the premise that Johan was in charge of a 'brand new' team, i.e. not containing vino.


rich p said:
Will Astana be invited to the Tour with Vino in the team?

No is my answer - that's why Bertie will leave - Caisse D'Epaigne is my bet now Valverde looks like he'll be banned


pre-talced and mighty
mangaman said:
No is my answer - that's why Bertie will leave - Caisse D'Epaigne is my bet now Valverde looks like he'll be banned
But would they want him? I know that sounds like a really daft question, but, having lost Valverde would you put your faith in somebody who may (I repeat, m'lud, may) come under suspicion (I repeat, m'lud, suspicion - I make no judgement on the matter).


Über Member
South Norfolk
The Spanish seem to look out for their own, and with GCE being a Spanish registered and managed team it would appear to be the most natural place for him.

Vaughters and Garmin would be crazy to take him on with all the suspicion surrounding him, even if all the tests say he's clean.
Will1985 said:
The Spanish seem to look out for their own, and with GCE being a Spanish registered and managed team it would appear to be the most natural place for him.

Vaughters and Garmin would be crazy to take him on with all the suspicion surrounding him, even if all the tests say he's clean.
Garmin always check bloods before signing riders, yes? Would they have had access to Bertie's bloods yet, or would that only come as negotiations got more serious? I'm just curious, because there is the potential to draw (tentative) conclusions about who they don't sign.


Über Member
South Norfolk
The 'say' should be a subjunctive 'said'.

It's an interesting point you've raised - would an interested team say something if blood values looked iffy?

IIRC he didn't make the speculated move because Astana managed to pull the funds together just in time.
Will1985 said:
The 'say' should be a subjunctive 'said'.
Heh, neatly put. :biggrin:
There's a definite whiff about Bertie and a move to Garmin would either validate him as a 'clean' rider or compromise Garmin's status. As has been said before, they can't afford a +tive, it would pretty much wreck the team.

It's an interesting point you've raised - would an interested team say something if blood values looked iffy?
Well Garmin didn't sign Kohl because his bloods were distinctly kippery, but the passport doesn't necessarily prove anything. I think if Garmin had said something then they'd have had solicitors letter on their doormat within days and the only thing that would have saved them would be Kohl (or whoever) testing positive shortly after. What you'd hope is that teams management would start sharing intelligence about riders, but I can't see that ever happening.

IIRC he didn't make the speculated move because Astana managed to pull the funds together just in time.
It's not about Bertie as such, although David Brailsford did give a very definite 'no' when asked if Team Sky were going to sign him. It's all very flimsy, but hey, this is cycling and we like this stuff...;)
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