Current state of our roads

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James Loxley

I know this has been talked about a lot previously, but - What do other cyclists think of the current state of our roads? Is enough being done to improve them? Seems to me that the problem just seems to be getting worse and worse


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
They are getting better in London. There seems to be a lot of work going on at the moment repairing bad roads. But it's not happening as fast as I would like.
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Some bits have been patched here but they are still generally bumpy and unven, having to take primary because of potholes doesn't help when you do hit a smooth bit you realise how much extra work you are doing on the rough sections.
Yup, more and more roads getting fettled around the North West now as well, but they have embraced that annoying habit cheap ass way of doing it, top dressing.

At least it's better than potholes, but I think it'll take years to ever get them all done due to years of past neglect and wasted funding.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Yup, more and more roads getting fettled around the North West now as well, but they have embraced that annoying habit cheap ass way of doing it, top dressing.

At least it's better than potholes, but I think it'll take years to ever get them all done due to years of past neglect and wasted funding.

It also doesn't help that we seem to be having some really crappy winter weather which really takes it's toll.


I've never known them so bad in my entire life. I travel a lot in Africa, and some of the some of the roads I see around here are poor African-standard. Frankly, it's not just dangerous, it's embarrassing. Overseas visitors must think we've gone completely to pot.
It also doesn't help that we seem to be having some really crappy winter weather which really takes it's toll.
True, we did have a couple of bad years back to back, but if they'd pulled their fingers out and fettled things after year one we'd all be in a better position than we are now.

Roads are still generally $hite round here, but I do have to acknowledge that they are making a start on them.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Sections of the local road network are being done ready for the Tour de France peloton in July. The thing is, you only have to be a few yards off those particular roads and it is the same old story of potholes, ruts, and broken up surface dressing. It feels worse riding on the bad bits after being shown by the good bits how great those roads could actually be! :sad:


Über Member
High streets are the absolute worst. I usually detour around them solely on account of their huge cracks and potholes. King's Heath, Harborne, Sparkbrook, I haven't seen a single high street in the city with a nice road.

And they've most likely all been like that for longer than I've lived. Certainly nothing to do with the winter just gone, or even the one before that.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Roads are getting better where I am. Council are spending a lot of money resurfacing large stretches of the A470.

Deleted member 35268

As riders we get used to always looking out for chunks of road missing. The problem with the potholes at the moment is they are simply massive and rather than being simple dips and depressions, they have hard edges. I nearly came off today as the bright sun and shadows was hiding a small but deep hole, was a close call. A4155 from Marlow to Henley. I already posted about having a blowout on a pothole, as I was changing inner tubes, a lorry turned up to fix it. I guess they are trying.


Rural Quebec
There is a great system in our area (Montreal plus):snow ploughing and road repair are privatized, the same company does both, in the winter they muller the roads that are bad to begin with because of frost heave and in the summer they repair the damage. Next winter they scrape all the new asphalt out of the potholes with the snow plow, in the summer they repair the damage.
Next winter they scrape all the new asphalt out of the potholes with the snow plow in the summer they repair the damage
Next winter they scrape all the new asphalt out of the potholes with the snow plow in the summer they repair the damage
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