Cycle chat virgin.....

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Greetings birdie1! Always glad to see more females here on the forum. :biggrin:

Hello Andy, as well! Long time no hear; hope all is well! :angry:


Legendary Member
Chuffy said:
He might be a fifty years old accountant. Or an infinite number of typing monkeys. I think we should demand proof of gender/age/species when anyone joins.

You're so cynical!
wafflycat said:
Baggy! Control your husband! :biggrin:
Naughty Waffles! I just need the tongs to steer the as yet unblemished newbie in the direction of Tea! so that she can be properly decontaminated by heavy doses of builders tea and slabs of cake. She may have been near salad and we can't afford to take chances....
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