Cycling Mikey and third party reporting

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Me too as a fail-safe, but my mantra when on the road is to check all possible angles of attack, not just the allowed ones. Just because someone shouldn’t do something, doesn’t mean they can’t. I will always, for example, check for vehicles emerging from a junction against a red light, or a No Entry sign, or whatever - at Gandalf Corner I would check both ways before emerging to clear the possibility of a someone flouting the ‘keep left’ sign.
Do you think we shouldn't stop dangerous/illegal driving, just because you're so careful that it could never affect you?
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Do you think we shouldn't stop dangerous/illegal driving, just because you're so careful that it could never affect you?
Nobody in this thread has suggested for one instant that we shouldn't stop dangerous driving.
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An Peanut
We all seem to be glad that he is doing it and are thankful but it will be a different story if it was our son or daughter. We will seek help from a psychologist or a psychiatrist as we know there is an issue.

Civic mindedness can be a in many forms such as helping out in a shelter, retirement home, clearing litter in a park etc. But this is not it. We can help him by referring him to a health professional.
I disagree, were his Dad not mown down by a driver I think he would be proud. What harm is he actually doing? He is annoying/helping convict drivers who are breaking the law and sending a message to those who have not been caught that they might get caught. Whilst he might enrage dangerous drivers, they are already dangerous, he might just be educating some others. With over 35 million views his civic mindlessness is achieving a lot more than a litter pick or helping out in a shelter. Even if you disagree with all of that 35 million views is actually a very nice earner for him so perhaps no need for psychiatry.

Bonefish Blues

Banging donk
I do wonder about whether overall his impact is net positive for cyclists - sure there may be a small deterrent effect, and a few may change behaviour (or maybe be more careful when doing it?) but what may the impact have been on those many millions' view of cyclists as a group and the way they treat them as fellow road users?

I have no idea, btw, nor any way of knowing, failing doing Focus Groups or similar, just wondering out loud.


An Peanut
I do wonder about whether overall his impact is net positive for cyclists - sure there may be a small deterrent effect, and a few may change behaviour (or maybe be more careful when doing it?) but what may the impact have been on those many millions' view of cyclists as a group and the way they treat them as fellow road users?

I have no idea, btw, nor any way of knowing, failing doing Focus Groups or similar, just wondering out loud.
Surely worse case they know that the cyclist may have a camera and that a prosecution may happen.


Über Member
...and the 34-odd million other views representing a great many individuals - what's the impact there? That's the constituency that occupies my thoughts.
Anything that gives arrogant or feckless motorists some level of uncertainty about the possibility that dickish behaviour towards other, more vulnerable, road users just might be recorded for posterity and future utilisation of said recording if anything untoward happens, is a good impact from my POV.

Bonefish Blues

Banging donk
Anything that gives arrogant or feckless motorists some level of uncertainty about the possibility that dickish behaviour towards other, more vulnerable, road users just might be recorded for posterity and future utilisation of said recording if anything untoward happens, is a good impact from my POV.
I worry it's simply not as binary as that, that's what is exercising me.


Über Member
I worry it's simply not as binary as that, that's what is exercising me.
It probably isn't as binary as that for a (hopefully small) percentage of arrogant and feckless motorists, and it certainly isn't binary at all for the motorist who drives in a mentally-impaired state, whether that impairment is sourced in alcohol, drugs or illness - but there is little or nothing that an uninvolved third party, such as you or I or 'the man on the street' can do to stop that one, once they're in that condition. But for the majority of those who are what I can only refer to as 'normally' arrogant motorists, I believe that the perception of a higher chance of being 'caught' when acting carelessly around cyclists, would in many instances lead to a reduction in that type of behaviour.
I wish it were not so, but it is what it is ...


I do wonder about whether overall his impact is net positive for cyclists - sure there may be a small deterrent effect, and a few may change behaviour (or maybe be more careful when doing it?) but what may the impact have been on those many millions' view of cyclists as a group and the way they treat them as fellow road users?

I have no idea, btw

This is the same backwards logic that suggests we should be policing cyclists that jump red lights, cos without them, drivers would all be sooo considerate to cyclists.

I'd rather cyclists stood up for themselves.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
...and the 34-odd million other views representing a great many individuals - what's the impact there? That's the constituency that occupies my thoughts.
What are you thinking? That some good drivers will go "some cyclists have cameras so fark 'em, I'll left-hook them / I'll brake-test them / I'll close-pass them and dare them to shop me"??? I suggest that no good drivers will drive worse because some cyclists have cameras and report or even confront bad drivers.

I am pondering repairing my waterproof camera case and starting recording again after I was today forced to the kerb by an oncoming motorist screeching at me to "get out of the middle of the road" as she passed cars parked on her side long after I had started to, taking up pretty much all the remaining road width. Nobber.

(edited to add accentally-deleted words)
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This is rather like 5TV showing a program called
"Lycra Louts: a Menace on our Roads?" - note the crucial question mark. They're just wondering, you see.
Next week:
"Are all cyclists self-gratification artists? Should we slap them when they ride more than 2feet from the gutter?"

Bonefish Blues

Banging donk
This is rather like 5TV showing a program called
"Lycra Louts: a Menace on our Roads?" - note the crucial question mark. They're just wondering, you see.
Next week:
"Are all cyclists self-gratification artists? Should we slap them when they ride more than 2feet from the gutter?"
Not a problem, I'll delete. Cheers 😊

And gone.
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