Cycling to escape from nagging?

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Formerly just_fixed
Joe24 said:
I get out on my bike to not have to hear my mum moan/nag or my dad have a go/moan.
But, when i get back, i still get nagged.

I didnt stack the drainer board neat enough last night:wacko:

Bonj, what do i do? I cant get a divorce from my parents:smile:

pay board (rent). or do as they ask. omg how ungrateful are kidz?


More serious cyclist than Bonj
User3143 said:
Get a job, move out and never speak to them again.

Would be lovely, not got a job where i can afford a place though

shauncollier said:
pay board (rent). or do as they ask. omg how ungrateful are kidz?

I dont pay board, i earn £47 a month at the moment.
I do do as they ask, but come on, not stacking the drainer board right :smile:

User3143 said:
There you go Joe, move in with Jane.:biggrin:;)

Ooooooooo yes please! :evil:
She lives in Scotland though xx(


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Jane Smart said:
And, what may I ask, is wrong with Scotland?? :smile:

The wall is not high enough for a start :blush:


Joe24 said:
I get out on my bike to not have to hear my mum moan/nag or my dad have a go/moan.
But, when i get back, i still get nagged.

I didnt stack the drainer board neat enough last night:wacko:

Bonj, what do i do? I cant get a divorce from my parents:wacko:

longer rides. you need to ride for a sufficiently long time for them to have forgot why they were nagging you.


More serious cyclist than Bonj
bonj said:
longer rides. you need to ride for a sufficiently long time for them to have forgot why they were nagging you.
You could hope that would work, but then id get moaned at for over doing it:wacko:
The problem is, i occupy myself, ill go out on my bike then sit around at home, my other brothers are either at work/just out, so mum gets bored, and once shes finished cleaning the house.............
(not so bad now shes back at work, but she only works mornings)
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