Cyclists injured on Route 5 North Wales

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
We are lucky In many parts of Wales in that we don't have the very large numbers of road users that are found in other parts of the UK. However, this in itself can be a problem because as anyone who lives in Wales knows, at certain times of the year there is an Inundation of tourists and cars, caravans, motorcyclists, and cyclists as well as people in general. For most of the year we can happily cycle on the roads and country lanes in relative safety, but when the holiday season arrives and enormous numbers of vehicles are on the roads many of us don't feel confident being on the road, so feel that taking to paths and cycle paths is a safer option.

However accidents do happen if people aren't sure what to do and how to react to other path users. I hope they recover.
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