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Smutmaster General
(Trouble is, I haven't got the faintest idea what an Ohm is, except that it has summat to do with electrickery and that... like joules, watts, volts and all the rest) :biggrin:
Fnaar said:
(Trouble is, I haven't got the faintest idea what an Ohm is, except that it has summat to do with electrickery and that... like joules, watts, volts and all the rest) :biggrin:

ohmslaw is like coleslaw, but with added vinegar
joule = a fight between knights
volts = what gymnasts do
watts = that bloke out of Eastenders


Smutmaster General
Thanks for the clarification. Now I feel qualified to stick my fingers in the plug socket :biggrin:


Married to Night Train
BTW, in the sake of public information: If you are caught out in the wide open in a thunderstorm, hunker down in a crouch on the balls of your feet, tuck your head down as far as you can and put your hands over the back of it. Don't lie down, you need to minimise your contact with the ground to reduce the damage if you are struck. I remember reading that in a survival book years back, and was pleased to be able to remember it a couple of years ago when I found myself cycling over a moor road, the highest thing for miles, with lightning coming ever closer. When it came down in the field to the left, I reckoned it was time to get off the bike... (I stood it on its kickstand and moved a few yards away - hunkering down then made me shorter than the bike...) I had to stay like that for about 5 minutes, while the storm passed over. And all I could think was, if I get struck by lightning, my Mum'll never let me go anywhere, ever again...

And wet, I've never been so wet, even in the bath....


Master of the Inane Comment
Arch said:
If you are caught out in the wide open in a thunderstorm, ...
And wet, I've never been so wet, even in the bath....

Nearly got caught like that in the Black Forest two weeks ago. We saw the thunder and lightening getting closer from the very top of the hill we had climbed - just open meadows and a few short trees, so no protection. Got a shift on and was a bit lower down by the time the storm arrived. Just had to sit it out in the meagre shelter of some rocks and trees. Got soaked. The irony was that in a hamlet about 100 metres down the track there was a garage with an overhanging roof which would have provided adequate shelter from the cloudburst, but of course we didn't know that!


Smutmaster General
Unkraut said:
Nearly got caught like that in the Black Forest two weeks ago.
Wasn't there a nearby Gateau, Chateau? :tongue:


Smutmaster General
It's an affliction.... :ohmy: I think Maz has it too. I was once banned from speaking at meetings at one workplace... (in a nice way, of course) :sad:
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