dating game

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Met a nice girl on the dating site. Ok no problem but why am i still checking out other potential partners as my membership has 3 wks left to run?
My date said are you going to cancel ?
Am i right to think, We've had a date and went ok, but am I supposed to 'feel' it immediatly? I guess she has. Visiting this wknd.
It's early days I'm taking things slowly.
Is it right to go on other dates???? This is new to me & a bit strange, I kno w some guys have no problem dating numerous women, not me My memory is'nt what it was.
Anyone else been in this scenario???


Legendary Member
Date as many as you like - just call them all 'honey' and you shouldn't get caught out!

Seriously though, until you begin seeing her properly, sleeping with her and stuff, it's fine to go meet other people, you might make some great friends....


I would keep up the subscription untill you have 'the talk' and both categorically agree to not see other people, then once you have had it cancel the site and never visit it again. If your not ready for that talk then don't have it, but be open and honest from the start.

Speaking from experience, its always incredibly messy when you don't do it the way I just described!


Legendary Member
The Cronk
Thread moved to Café.
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