Do bin men deserve a pension ??!

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Here for rides.
It occurred to me today that some people don't like lies and bullsh*t.
They best steer clear of the interwebs in general and cycling forums in particular then!


Comrade Member
Limoges or York
I went to the tip today (been extreme decorating so have lots of bits of broken house to dispose of) oh boy - they were queueing around the block. Thought sod that and came home to try much earlier tomorrow.

Just thought I'd tell everyone, y'know.


Comrade Member
Limoges or York


Not been on since he was asked to provide evidence of his claims......

Either he was telling the truth, but doesn't have access to a camera, or.............
Do you seriously think someone who has done as well in life as me would feel the need to prove existence of my material possessions to some bloke from Yorkshire who I don't even know.

I still think the bin man was mean-spirited and that may or may not have been as a result of the Audi Q7 4.2 DTI Quattro S Line and the other cars on my drive. The amount of inverted snobbery I've discovered on here has surprised me. I wouldn't be so rude as to slag off someone else's choice of vehicle. (unless it's a Subaru Imprezza of course)

Cyclists can be so anal.
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Legendary Member
N Ireland
Do you seriously think someone who has done as well in life as me would feel the need to prove existence of my material possessions to some bloke from Yorkshire who I don't even know.

I still think the bin man was mean-spirited and that may or may not have been as a result of the Audi Q7 4.2 DTI Quattro S Line and the other cars on my drive. The amount of inverted snobbery I've discovered on here has surprised me. I wouldn't be so rude as to slag off someone else's choice of vehicle. (unless it's a Subaru Imprezza of course)

Cyclists can be so anal.

Do you own all of the cars or do you hire out your drive as a carpark for wealthy commuters from the shires?


Legendary Member
N Ireland
Do you seriously think someone who has done as well in life as me would feel the need to prove existence of my material possessions to some bloke from Yorkshire who I don't even know.

I still think the bin man was mean-spirited and that may or may not have been as a result of the Audi Q7 4.2 DTI Quattro S Line and the other cars on my drive. The amount of inverted snobbery I've discovered on here has surprised me. I wouldn't be so rude as to slag off someone else's choice of vehicle. (unless it's a Subaru Imprezza of course)

Cyclists can be so anal.

If you're still thinking about it I think the score is 2:1 to the bin-man. :whistle:


Started young, and still going.
I'm jumping in very late to this thread having read it for many days now, but going back to the original title, Yes I do think they are entitled to a pension, because they probably pay into some scheme or other. If they don't pay into a company/private scheme, but pay national insurance then they should get an old age pension when they retire. ps. i think BFF is winding everyone up, and some people have fallen for it.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
I'm jumping in very late to this thread having read it for many days now, but going back to the original title, Yes I do think they are entitled to a pension, because they probably pay into some scheme or other. If they don't pay into a company/private scheme, but pay national insurance then they should get an old age pension when they retire. ps. i think BFF is winding everyone up, and some people have fallen for it.

Think you say?
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