Do you feel that cycling is getting more dangerous

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Legendary Member
Its not getting more dangerous. Its the same as it ever was and thats just risky. You are sharing a road with fast moving metal boxes, sometimes driven by people you would not trust to water your pot plants when you are on holiday. You have nothing to protect you but your wits. Pedestrians have the common sense to have a pavement to walk on.

If you really believe it is getting more 'dangerous'. Why on earth would you carry on doing it?


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Its not getting more dangerous. Its the same as it ever was and thats just risky. You are sharing a road with fast moving metal boxes, sometimes driven by people you would not trust to water your pot plants when you are on holiday. You have nothing to protect you but your wits. Pedestrians have the common sense to have a pavement to walk on.

If you really believe it is getting more 'dangerous'. Why on earth would you carry on doing it?

i would have to agree


Legendary Member
Its not getting more dangerous. Its the same as it ever was and thats just risky. You are sharing a road with fast moving metal boxes, sometimes driven by people you would not trust to water your pot plants when you are on holiday. You have nothing to protect you but your wits. Pedestrians have the common sense to have a pavement to walk on.

If you really believe it is getting more 'dangerous'. Why on earth would you carry on doing it?

I’m not sure statistically it’s more dangerous, but it definitely feels like it to me. Traffic is so much heavier than it was maybe ten to fifteen years ago. My home town is a perfect example. More and more houses getting built, and you just need to have a walk round the town to see how many drives now have two or three cars in them rather than the one they would have had a few years ago.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
I’m not sure statistically it’s more dangerous, but it definitely feels like it to me. Traffic is so much heavier than it was maybe ten to fifteen years ago. My home town is a perfect example. More and more houses getting built, and you just need to have a walk round the town to see how many drives now have two or three cars in them rather than the one they would have had a few years ago.

indeed, im lucky enough to commute at off peak times so miss most of the rush so i have less of an issue i suppose


Über Member
Its not getting more dangerous. Its the same as it ever was and thats just risky. You are sharing a road with fast moving metal boxes, sometimes driven by people you would not trust to water your pot plants when you are on holiday. You have nothing to protect you but your wits. Pedestrians have the common sense to have a pavement to walk on.

If you really believe it is getting more 'dangerous'. Why on earth would you carry on doing it?

Even the pavements aren't safe ! Invariably you have some eejit come at you with an illegally equipped e- bike or motorised scooter ,no lights barely maintained ,with no brakes, that's if you can get by the vans & cars parked on the pavement.
Comes to something when, these fools attempt to explain it isn't safe to ride on the road, well it is,if you follow the rules and ride defensively,those same people are making dangerous to ride on the roads ,if they are driving, I would wager, that they are unlicensed , uninsured, and even be here as illegal aliens, by that I mean dubious reugee's, working when they should not.

I've taken to walking with a stick, if I see one of these morons bearing down on me, I raise the walking pole ,with it pointing at their guts, the amount of times I've seen their shocked reaction ,that they need to take avoiding action , has been most satisfying.
I take the view I am defending myself, and reclaiming the pavements, it's not illegal to walk with a stick , even if I don't need one.


Über Member
I don't have much recent history to go by as far as cycling is concerned but, in my limited experience, drivers have started to give me more room since the HC update. I haven't been close passed in the last few months and my only other close encounter was a female car pulling out of a side road on my left who was distracted by the kids in the back seat and simply didn't see me at first. She jammed on the brakes as soon as I came into her field of vision.

Did she pull out because I am a cyclist? No, she was distracted and would have started to pull out no matter what was coming. Maybe she was lucky I wasn't driving a 40-ton artic but the fact is I'm an advanced driver (and motorcyclist) and had started to brake before she started to move. If I can't make eye contact then I assume it's up to me to be proactive.

I do ride in an assertive manner, adopting a position on the road that doesn't encourage overtaking; forcing the driver to make a conscious decision about an overtake. I've yet to be on the receiving end of any verbal abuse.

I am well aware of the need to ride defensively, and being assertive, if those 2 can be put together, but the truth is should we have too.
Go to many European countries, and the odds are stacked in your favour for riding cycles on the road.

It comes down to the plain fact cycling on the road in Britain is not respected, it's poor driving standards,and a lack of proper training.

The fact you haven't received abuse surprises me,


The above poster is correct. This is why I try to spend my holiday money abroad, the UK is unlike other third world countries due to its attitude to cyclists.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Its not getting more dangerous.

Perhaps not in Denmark, but in my local area it most certainly HAS. Not just the increase in traffic and badly maintained roads. The biggest danger comes from the hatred of cyclists from a significant percentage of drivers. Even if it's a tiny percentage, say 1%, it doesn't take long to encounter that 1 in 100 motorists. They dislike us being on "their" roads, not paying "road tax", being uninsured, not having a licence, etc. (we all know the anti-cyclist bingo, and it matters not the counter arguments). There is zero enforcement of any road traffic laws in the UK any more (unless you are incredibly stupid or incredibly unlucky) so drivers know they can basically do as they please to cyclists, and anyone else who gets in their way.

Why on earth would you carry on doing it?

I don't. Just one of many that I know of who have weighed up the risks and reverted to burning fossil fuels. And in true "Brandane" mode can I mention that the weather in the UK (west of Scotland in particular) doesn't help? For months now it has been constant rain, wind, cold, grey and horrible. Cycling? Sorry but I really don't miss it. Might be ok in the more temperate areas of the world, populated by more understanding and patient car drivers. But here? It will NEVER catch on in any meaningful way.


Legendary Member
I don't. Just one of many that I know of who have weighed up the risks and reverted to burning fossil fuels. And in true "Brandane" mode can I mention that the weather in the UK (west of Scotland in particular) doesn't help? For months now it has been constant rain, wind, cold, grey and horrible. Cycling? Sorry but I really don't miss it. Might be ok in the more temperate areas of the world, populated by more understanding and patient car drivers. But here? It will NEVER catch on in any meaningful way.

It's so bad that I have bought a Wattbike and started using Zwift, and this is from someone who detests indoor exercise, but it's either that or don't cycle at all, apart from maybe getting up at silly o'clock in the middle of summer and trying to grab an hour or so before the traffic gets going.


Perhaps the problem is the commuting driver, in Spain small towns and cities have people living in the centres. Local transport is cheap or free. Industry is spread out all over the country due to the excellent road network. How long does the average UK commuter spend travelling to work each year.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
It's so bad that I have bought a Wattbike and started using Zwift, and this is from someone who detests indoor exercise, but it's either that or don't cycle at all, apart from maybe getting up at silly o'clock in the middle of summer and trying to grab an hour or so before the traffic gets going.

Zwift? :ohmy:
I hope you don't count the "miles" you cover while not actually moving, in contravention of the laws of physics! :laugh::laugh:


Legendary Member
I am well aware of the need to ride defensively, and being assertive, if those 2 can be put together, but the truth is should we have too.
Go to many European countries, and the odds are stacked in your favour for riding cycles on the road.

It comes down to the plain fact cycling on the road in Britain is not respected, it's poor driving standards,and a lack of proper training.

The fact you haven't received abuse surprises me,

But for all that, some of the stats make for intruiging reading. Somme of the supposedly more enlightened - as regards cyclists at any rate - European nations actually have a higher casualty rate among that user group. Its worth a quiet hours googling.
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