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Über Member
Lots of foxes here.
Like @Slick said, they are out and about even in daytime.
I have to keep one of my cats inside overnight - the other doesn't go out - because he had several fights with foxes, resulting in frantic vet visits and lots of fur scattered allover the street.

One of mine who was getting on and disabled was taken overnight by a fox. They are opportunists so will go for a compromised cat or a kitten etc. A fit healthy cat would just fight it off no problem.


Legendary Member
South east London has thousands.
If I go for a walk or ride after dark I will see 4 or 5 in an hour.

SW London too. Dozens around here, out in the daytime too, they live down the alleyway opposite. HarryCat mostly just looks at them with disdain!


Quite dreadful
Loads of them here in Shepherds Bush, west London. The local tribe lives in a school playground a hundred yards down the street. They play merry havoc with the bin bags if you have been foolish enough to leave meat scraps in them.


I used to see one regularly prowling around my flat in North Shields. Lots of alley's for them to scavenge and green spaces for them to set up dens around.

When I was a young'un living in Edinburgh there was a family of them living at the end of our garden for a while. Smelled terrible, but the garden was long enough that it was only an issue if anyone needed access to the shed down there.


Heavy Metal Fan
Apparently you can't eat foxes because their meat is toxic


I see them every now and then while out riding, particularly after dark. The last one was a few weeks ago, on my commute home.
Here in Basildon they are everywhere and are quite cocky around any time of day, on local chat sites people always complaining how they rip open the black rubbish bags at night on collection day. Now the council has introduced big plastic bins not bags so food will be harder to scavenge so I wonder if numbers will go down.


Loads of them in Croydon. I see them on a regular basis.

Council uses hard plastic food caddies for food waste, but they just upend them and scatter the waste about, so doesn't stop them scavenging
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