Friday Night Ride to....Paris-Brest-Paris

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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
How very flattering that you think I'd ever be capable of such a thing, ha ha! Still waiting for my new bike though :angry: so at this rate there won't be time for enough training ... That's my excuse anyway.



hi all!! first i would like to thank you for a txt message after i've finished - this has put a smile on my tired face. a day later when i saw this thread i was surprised to see you were so into it! and also, i'm not used to so much attention - how should i respond?:biggrin: i could certainly feel good vibes coming my way while on the ride - thank you all for support (and i think you've got too much time on your hands - go and ride your bikes instead!). ride report will have to be compiled once it all sinks in. for now - a photo from the start/finish, taken just few hours ago, after closing ceremony and a proper nosh-up. from the left: Tom Deakins who was my mentor during the hardest parts of lel'09, Frank, and myself.



Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
It's a great achievement Rimas, thanks for the pic, both you and Frank look horribly refreshed after such a tough (for us) ride. Look forward to your report.


It's all been said by others, but I’ll add my congratulations too, I’m in awe of what you’ve all achieved.

It's an honour to have had the pleasure of riding with you guys in the past, now looking forward to the match reports.


Legendary Member
Chandler's Ford
How very flattering that you think I'd ever be capable of such a thing, ha ha! Still waiting for my new bike though :angry: so at this rate there won't be time for enough training ... That's my excuse anyway.

Actually I think you could .... if you wanted to enough. Having ridden with you on Bimble and FNRttC I know you'd be OK on a 100km audax already - maybe hard work, but the new bike will make it easier. From there it's just a question of spending enough time in the saddle and working up the distances gradually, and continuing to want to do it.
So far I've enjoyed my "journey" over two years from 40 km to a longest ride of 300km. If I continue to enjoy it as I push my boundaries further, and if my body stays in one piece, I'm hoping to be there in 2015


West London
I've just got home, turned my computer on and read this thread.

Probably the highlight of the ride for me was all the people in the little villages across France standing in the streets day and night, stopping traffic at crossroads, filling our water bottles and cheering us all on. To find that you guys were doing the same online is really special for me so, I'm sure I can speak for the others in saying a big thank you to you all for the interest in our adventure, the good wishes and support!

Those who want to hear more of how it went, fear not! There will be plenty of details to follow...



Silencing his legs regularly
Well done Rimas, Frank, and all the other crazy people...!!

That being said...I think it wouldn't be beyond my capabilities (rather slower than you two though)...


Chief Kebab Taster
Well done Rimas, Frank, and all the other crazy people...!!

That being said...I think it wouldn't be beyond my capabilities (rather slower than you two though)...

Do they have 'cat eyes' on the roads in France?? ;-)

Amazing, truely amazing work! Well done one and al.


Senior Member

I'd just like to say how touched and humbled I feel that so many have been following my lunacy so closely, caring whether I finished or not. Martin Brice and others texted/emailed during the ride and these were a real source of encouragement when the going got tough as it did in the last 140k from Mortagne when I became very unwell indeed and would have packed had I been anywhere near civilisation. That I was able to complete the ride was due in large part to the kindness and support of other riders. I'll do a short ride report a bit later as I've got domestic duties like Tesco's to attend to first- back to reality "sigh". I just wanted to say thanks for all your support. Getting home and reading this thread has been amazing!
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