FNRttC Friday Night Ride to the Coast - Southend 4th July

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Dog on a bike
Lovely write up, @ianrauk. And equally fantastic piccies. But I do have to ask one question: given Long Martin's constant miserable expression throughout last month's Whitstable, did he actually crack a smile this time?

I do hope so...
I did. Many, Most were preceded by the words "It may be p***ing down, but it could be worse. McWobble could be here".

Seriously, as with many others, you were missed mate.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Lovely write up. And equally fantastic piccies. But I do have to ask one question: given Long Martin's constant miserable expression throughout last month's Whitstable, did he actually crack a smile this time?
I do hope so...

OI, You leave one of my bestest mates alone you... seeing as you couldn't be arsed to grace your presence on the ride with yourself and your booze.. hurrumph. ;)

As Martin said, you and a lot of other regulars were missed....


Silencing his legs regularly
Great stuff. It was raining in beautiful downtown Stevenage this morning and much of the day, so not surprised you caught it.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Apologies from one of the missing regulars! The rain was the final decider, but I've been struggling a bit with fitness recently and I found the Fridays Tour unexpectedly challenging to be honest. Given that the FNRs seem to be getting a bit quicker these days I think I'll be bowing out for a while until I've got some fitness back and lost some weight.

Last nights ride was the slowest of the year


Great ride last night. FNR's need rain or at least steady drizzle to be worthy of the moniker. Felpham the other month was weird, not having wet feet is strange.

Top marks to unyellow clad Dr D for losing a wheel and surviving.

Difficult to believe that mmmartin, with all his life experience was unaware of the headlees man legend, education must have improved in the last 40 years........

Huge thanks to Simon, the TEC crew and the way markers all contribute to a unique way to spend a Friday night!


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
That was great fun. I had been a bit apprehensive about the rain but we got off pretty lightly. My left crank started sounding arthritic just before the Rotherhithe Tunnel and got a bit noisier after that but Ian and Xi made a swift diagnosis and a field repair
And for those who suspected - incorrectly as it turned out - that @dellzeqq was veering from the truth in one of his talks, here it's the proud that he was, as always, correct
Beware - contains rude words

I believe that the Duchess's lawyer claimed during the divorce case that his client had been transformed from a prim and proper young lady into a rampant raver due to a fit of nerves during a German air raid.


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere


One of the 64K
A quick refuel stop at Stanford Le Hope to all that enter here and it was time to say goodbye to W00hoo and the Hastings guys as they were heading for sarf of the river tio Kentish land via the Tilbury Ferry. Very sorry we didn't manage to say goodbye. Classic case of head down, cycle, cycle and forget which roundabout you needed. Though either/or lead to Tilbury. Thanks for coming along anyway chaps.

Likewise, should have said "goodbye's" at the petrol station in preparation. Thanks for the puncture help and putting up with my pace. We found the ferry eventually, and I don't think we missed the previous one because of it, but it did end up a bit farcical, by the end people were shouting directions to us without us even asking. Either news had spread round Tilbury of the five lost cyclists, or we just looked that needy.

Intending to play with gears in a minute, short monthly shop rideout tomorrow morning...


Dog on a bike
Dell's post mentions holding everyone back though :smile:. It's my impression that the speedy lycra section of the club has grown, while the ploddy hybrid-riding section has largely withered away. As I've always been somewhere in the middle, I now find myself constantly at the back and left behind, which I don't much enjoy even if people do regroup and wait for me to catch up. Just my impression of course.
Not at al TMN? I was a TEC and I really don't care what speed you're doing, I'll still be behind you.


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
I really enjoyed the ride. It was pretty flat which is always a big selling point for me. Nobody threatened me as we headed to the eastern frontier of London. At one point, a young lady constantly asked if we were something to do with the TdF. When told it was just a ride for fun and breakfast, her expression of incredulity , said with the verbal emphasis of " you're kidding me!?" or " get away!?" was a priceless...

"fark off!?" repeated several times. Great stuff.

My left crank started making arthritic noises just before the Rotherhithe Tunnel and it got annoyingly loud although people were too polite to comment. I sought Ian and Xi's advice and they did their thing. Thank you so much. Ian's photo makes me look like "Seven Fingers Martin". Another thank you to Vernon at the food stop....my first ever sip of absinthe. Bracing! Rather like sniffing a bottle of ammonia eight-eighty, but more fun.
I loved Our Glorious Leader's architectural discourses. Expecting an earnest lecture on Norman or Saxon churches, there was a beautiful story of Essex low-life history straight out of the pages of Dr Sin.... marshes, secret passages etc. Magic. The Headless Man was a real bonus.
I didn't find the rain too bad at the end but I was grateful to get through the doors of the Rose and into shelter. The cafe was really good...great food, wonderful and fast service, and friendly too. Top marks from me. I would have stuck around for longer but I had a bit of a full day ahead of me back in London so I left in a hurry when a GroupSave opportunity came up. Greg guided me from Fenchurch Street to Oxford Street and my auto-pilot took over.

Thank you to Simon, Suzie, Ian and all the diamond geezers who make these such fun. It was great to meet new people and see some of the regulars again. Just wonderful.


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
Dell's post mentions holding everyone back though :smile:. It's my impression that the speedy lycra section of the club has grown, while the ploddy hybrid-riding section has largely withered away. As I've always been somewhere in the middle, I now find myself constantly at the back and left behind, which I don't much enjoy even if people do regroup and wait for me to catch up. Just my impression of course.

You'd have had me keeping you company. :hugs:
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