Giant Defy Advanced 2018 Internal Cable Routing

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I was right about that saddle

I want to try and put a replacement rear gear cable on my 2018 Giant Defy Advanced 1

The current cable has frayed at the end and I have over shortened it.

Anyone had experience with this particular bike - the internal routing scares me!

To be honest, I wish I'd bought a simpler bike that I could fix myself. Havent been able to ride it for months!

Can't find any useful videos.

This is the last job I need to get sorted so I can ride the damn thing.

- Front chainring bought and replaced
- Rear casette
- New chain
- rear disc brake bled and refilled
- Replaced the tyres



Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
Rather than try to describe the process probably better to look at videos, the GCN one is quite informative:



Legendary Member
wen i did my internal cable (on a bianchi) if I took the little rubber port bung out there was ample room to get tweezers into it to pick up the new cable coming through.

if this isnt the case, as you remove the old cable attach some strong thread to it which will pull through with it, you can then use the other end to pull the new cable back.


I guess it will vary from frame to frame but I’ve use narrow bore fish tank air tubing and even electrical wire sheath covering to help. I cut the cable to get rid of any stray wires and then push the thin tubing over the cable and push is as far as it will go and then withdraw the whole lot through the frame. That should then leave a conduit to thread the new cable through. The remove the sheath and complete the rest of the job
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