Give me some dialogue from your day

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Mr WD " have you seen the duck?"

Me " last time I saw her she was in the garden in the back"

Mr WD. "Little shoot has buggered off somewhere. "

Mr WD saunters off to try to find this space.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
The Intrepid hunter otherwise known as Mr WD has returned from hunting the duck.

me. "Where did you find her"

Mr WD "on the other side of the stream".

Me. "That's where I thought she would be".

Mr WD "bloody little shoot".

Me. "You've said that already"

Mr WD wonders off mumbling to himself :laugh:


Rollin' along
Manchester way
Son of old.lady over the back from us, whilst doing our respective gardens.

My daughter likes your chickens.

Me: Would she like to hop over the fence and pet one.

Oh no, it is against our ethics to hold things in captivity, we don't really approve of you having them in your garden.

Me: Well from birth until last October they were in the battery system being farmed for their eggs, had they not been adopted by us they would have been killed while still only half way through their natural lifespan.

Oh, well I suppose you are doing them a kindness then.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
"Oh well, don't let me hold you captivity in this conversation then. Goodbye forever."

Some people, eh?
I wonder what he would do if his daughter got it in her head to go off to join a religious cult in Scotland?

"Excellent, dear, you are asserting your right to escape domestic captivity! Do you think you might return in time for your 6th birthday party?" :whistle:


Legendary Member
Sat in The Swan pub in Mansfield. About to wolf down a pint and sandwich before the footy.

Dads cousin(Bryan) tries to open a sachet of French Mustard with his teeth.


Bryan:- "oh bloody hell"

Dad:- "well thanks very much"

I look up to see that Bryan's mustard has squirted all over dads trousers in an embarrassing place!! :eek:

Much :biggrin::laugh::laugh: from me and Stuart as they attempt to clean up the mess. Dad was left with a nice yellow stain in a place you really don't want one!

All was forgiven over the rest of the pint!!


Legendary Member
'Arghh, Fer chrissakes, you mucky sod'

Dog slinks out, leaving a huge pile of puke in his cage. He wasnt well this morning, probably ate something, typical Labrador. Hes been very quiet today, but livened up this afternoon.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
My son phoned tonight.

Son "Hi ma."

Me. "Ok what do you want? "

Son "as it's been such a long time since you last saw the boys (4 days) I thought I'd give you the pleasure of having them tomorrow afternoon".

Me. "You really do talk a load of b******s you know. " :laugh:


I've just been to the supermarket, crumpets were on offer if you bought two packs... So I did.

At the till, 'bleep' as they scanned through. Me and the rather attractive young lady on the till both glanced at the little screen thingy to see if the discount had gone through.

'CRUMPET OFFER!!!' the screen proclaimed.

We glanced at each other and smirked. No words were required.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I've just been to the supermarket, crumpets were on offer if you bought two packs... So I did.

At the till, 'bleep' as they scanned through. Me and the rather attractive young lady on the till both glanced at the little screen thingy to see if the discount had gone through.

'CRUMPET OFFER!!!' the screen proclaimed.

We glanced at each other and smirked. No words were required.
This thread is about dialogues.

We have had a few invading monologues ...

But that is the first, er, zerologue! :laugh:
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