Google Chrome

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You first.

Mr Phoebus

New Member
Noticeably slower than my Firefox 3 at loading web pages.
I've got: Ad Block, No Script and Flash Block running on Firefox though and it really shifts.
Nice uncluttered layout though on Chrome.


It's OK so far, not quite the polish of IE7 (see what I did there?). I'll give it a few days, but we're already spoilt for choice when it comes to browsers, everyone's got their favourites and maybe someone will find a reason to prefer Chrome. I use IE7 as it works on all the sites I use, I'm aware of the various security issues with browsers and take the appropriate precautions.
This will no doubt turn into a "I can't believe you use that browser" thread.



New Member
I was trying to work out why they called it 'chrome' and I've come to the conclusion that with its intent to be the best multimedia / graphics browser, it's referring to the ability to morph in a way similar to the chrome terminator T1000.

Apart from that... who cares. Just more stuff to go wrong. Yippee.


Does it work on Macs? You know, those woefully overpriced premium quality machines that the fashion victims people who need ultra-reliable and easy to use machines insist on?


Fixed that for you.xx(

And no, it doesn't, though it's in development. I won't be using it though, not until it proves itself anyway.


IE7. for me.

Though saying that never mind the net, I'm still trying to get my head round vista..saynomore!

Why the re-organisation???

Rob S

New Member
Given it a try...looks pretty quick but I like the ability to have lots of customisable search engines at the touch of a button as per IE7.


New Member
Trust me, this new browser is going to cause unimaginable pain, and may likely be the tipping point from ecomonic recession into depression.

Don't use it. Just pretend it never existed. Try to imagine what you will possibly gain from it before you use it, like a well adjusted adult.


Über Member
I've now set it as default browser on all my machines both at home and at work. It's great, very clean and simple and lightening fast.

I'll miss some of the features that I am used to in FF but I'm sure they will come, especially ad block.
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