Great R4 blunder....

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I love those little insights you sometimes get behind the scenes in TV and radio, quite often thanks to a slip up (the stray cameraman in shot, the off-air remark that goes out by mistake...) There was a great one at lunchtime today on R4...

Continuity lady introduces weather man.

"and now, over to Daniel Corbett.... Hello? Are you there..."
"oh, Daniel, you are there, sorry"

Methinks, she forgot to fade him in, or something like that.

Daniel gives us the weather, and we go back to the continuity lady, who introduces The World at One. While the headlines are being read, suddenly we hear the continuity lady again, over the headlines. Just her side of what seems to be a phone call....

"Oh, hello, is Daniel Corbett there? Yes, it's Annie from Radio Four. Oh, right, well the message is "sorry, sorry, sorry!". What? Oh, it was ok, in the end. Yeah, well, anyway, just say "sorry, sorry, sorry!" Thanks, bye!" <click>

Hmm. Someone forgot to fade the continuity studio out, I think.... Clearly the World at One couldn't hear it, as they just carried on regardless underneath. Or if they did hear it, they're damn good!

It just made me laugh, hearing this oh so perfect announcing voice ringing up the Met Office or wherever, to apologise!


Legendary Member
Yeah, caught that too. Was tempted to email Feedback, but thought better of it.


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