Gypsy Invasion

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Its interesting to see threads like these. Everyone is keen to be politically correct and sometimes it is a struggle. I also note that the issue of their married females is seldom raised within activist groups. Inadquate site provision is also another throwaway line when solutions are sought.

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Never had any bother in my cycling around and past their camps. It's just a pity the litter isn't controlled properly. As User9609 has said it's the "politely spoken" can have double standards. Christian chap I know clubbed together (£'s )with others to prevent a field being sold for a camp. He explained later the Gypsys had bought another field as a result and property prices had already fallen in that area. Thought Christians would want to assist the "homeless" in favour of property prices. These ones actually did a dog in the manger job.


You get all sorts of travellers, just like 'normal' people.
We had a temporary encampment on a cyclepath near us, yes they made a bit of a mess over a couple weeks, but you could (well i did anyway) cycle through the path , nod and say hello, they responded in kind.
Equally we had an encampment on fields nearby....bloody hell, the youngsters (early 20s) were just gagging for some aggro if you even made eye contact, just vile people.

Treat them with respect, they kinda respond in kind.
But, if they're 'working', watch em. Collecting scrap locally, they know every trick in the book, offer to clear your garden (well not mine anyway) of rubbish, they'll take what they want (anything metal)then hightail it leaving the real rubbish. Happened to me years ago when i was young and naive, happened to my next door neighbour last week.
Again, on the flip side, we used to get them coming in regularly to collect scrap from my last employer. Polite (if a little pushy)...but accepted a no, equally gladly accepted anything you did have.


Failed Tech Bro
Many years ago, Viz upset a few people with a strip called "Thieving Gypsy Bastards". In response to the heat, they produced this, which I suspect didn't much help matters....



Fear of the unknown and nearly entirely negative media coverage leads to entrenched views regarding travellers. My business partner absolutely loathed them.

I think there are only about 250k (?) and most of them are permanent residents somewhere. Litter seems to be the bugbear of many, our City centre streets are littered with filth but some travellers leave a patch of wasteland in mess and all hell breaks loose in the local paper. I like the young kids who come into my yard, they have been born and brought up in BD4 but sound like they left Cork for the first time yesterday. ^_^


Legendary Member
I've been stabbed, shot at and had a brick through my dibble car window by one particular family of Irish travelers. Apart from that one thoroughly unpleasant group I'm sure they're all lovely.

To be fair, there are housing estates on my old Sandford beat that are far more dangerous to patrol, and they're populated by people living in houses. I suspect people are born a***holes and where they choose to live has little bearing upon that.

Big Dave laaa

Biking Ninja
I don't really want to sit on either side of the argument but just to add that not 5 miles down the road from where they illegally camped, there is a huge purpose built site for them. It's actually the one featured in Big Fat Gypsy wedding where that Paddy Doherty or whatever his name is resides. There is another huge camp in Wrexham not 10 miles away, so to say that not enough is being done for them is a bit short of the mark to be honest.


Legendary Member
We have an Irish family living next door who are the most charming and lovely people you could ever want as neighbours. But their back garden is an eyesore and looks like a... a.... gypsy encampment. It seems to be because jobs get started then not finshed then just left.... for months and months and months. The neighbour on their other side and I have agreed that next Saturday we are going to wrap up the corrugated asbestos cement sheets that have been lying in the front of the house for the last year, put them in my estate car and drive them to the dump, whether or not Joanne is at home, we are so sick of the eyesore.


Cracking a solo.
We have an Irish family living next door who are the most charming and lovely people you could ever want as neighbours. But their back garden is an eyesore and looks like a... a.... gypsy encampment. It seems to be because jobs get started then not finshed then just left.... for months and months and months. The neighbour on their other side and I have agreed that next Saturday we are going to wrap up the corrugated asbestos cement sheets that have been lying in the front of the house for the last year, put them in my estate car and drive them to the dump, whether or not Joanne is at home, we are so sick of the eyesore.
You don't fancy popping round to mine to sort it out while you're at it do you?
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