Happy Birthday Plax...

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Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
Happy Birthday Plax, hope it turns out well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks all, it's the big 3-0 today so I've taken the week off to recover from the shock.

I was hoping for a nice long lie in today, but forgot to unplug the house phone so was very kindly woken up my my mother calling at an ungodly hour (well, 8am!) to wish me a happy birthday.

Must say so far my work colleagues have got me my favourite gifts - a buff with pictures of bicycles on, and a micro bath towel. That should be ideal for showering at work, it's apparently fast drying, and it packs down really small!

I was hoping to go cycling today regardless of the weather, but when I went to collect the bin I couldn't see very far due to the mist. So probably not a good idea. Hopefully it will clear a bit later on, I want to try out my buff!
So at the age of 3 - 0, you're going to cycle in your buff but only when the mist clears so people can see you :blush:

Happy Birthday Plax ;)


Legendary Member
Somewhere flat
It's all downhill from 30 Plax... which is not really a bad thing ;)



Well shortly after my post we had a powercut. Charming I thought, and decided to dig my bike out. Did a leisurely 35.23 miles, and it must be because it's my birthday but the rain stopped and there was hardly any wind. I must really get a front mudguard though as on some parts of my route the roads were flooded. One bit was quite deep and I got wet feet and shins. Darn good fun though. I'm now sitting here scoffing my face with some swiss chocolates, and feel quite sick now. I best stop as I'm going to my sisters for tea in an hour and I'll have no room left!
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