Hello all from toeknee.

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New Member
Hello all, my first post, and a little background.

I'm tony, 48 years young soon,complete with middle age spread.

In july 2011 I was standing in my front garden , having a coffee and a cigarette watching he Liverpool to Chester sportive go past my house, after watching all the different types of cyclist ride past , I thought , I would like to do that, so a week later gave up smoking, and got a hybrid on the bike to work scheme in the November, about 12 months later I swapped this for a road bike ( claud butler echelon ) but after nearly getting knocked off by a white van, I resorted back to a hybrid and the tracks again. But I was yearning for the road again not long after.
So in feb this year I thought I'm not going to let some idiot spoil my cycling, so I went out and bought another road bike, which I am a lot more confident on than last time.
I have also set myself a goal for 2015 my 50 th year, and that is to do a JOGLE for Claire house my local children's hospice. I have had an e -mail to meet up with them to discuss the ride, which I have yet to arrange. At present I am just back on my bike this week , after 6 weeks off with a back injury, I am currently up to 10 mile rides around willaston. Lots more training to do, and looking forward to it .thats it thanks for reading.

toeknee, Yesterday at 18:07 ReportTop#2352Reply

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Hi Tony and :welcome:.

You seem to have made a pretty impressive start.:thumbsup: Keep up the good work and I hope the preparation for your JOGLE goes well.

If you haven't already found it we have a special section for LEJOG and JOGLE rides which you may find helpful: Link

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
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