Helmet discussions: has anyone ever been persuaded otherwise?

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betty swollocks

large member
Please do not turn this into a 'traditional' helmet discussion.

Helmet wearing: we all know the pros and cons: they've been trotted out ad nauseum on Cycle Chat and other forums.
Has anyone ever been persuaded away from their original standpoint by such a discussion?

If so, how/why?


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I decided to start wearing them out of choice..and I was racing...just left them on when training.....Still wear them...find it stops sweat pouring into my eyes.


New Member
Wallsend on Tyne
Yes and no! The threads always seem to follow the same pattern, an early post of anecdotal evidence of the type my helmet saved my life! Someone then points out the mass of statistics 'proving' their negligible effect on safety, including the increased chance of rotational injury. The last major one that I followed on commuting however did change my opinion. A link was given to an article showing that the test standards for helmets have been lowered in the UK, as too many modern helmets were failing. I always wear one but am realistic as to their effect, I'm also very much pro choice. The result of the last considered thread on the subject was me buying a better tested helmet.


Has anyone ever been persuaded away from their original standpoint by such a discussion?

Not really, but I do read the differing opinions and like to read the research when it's linked. I like to think I could be persuaded if the argument was compelling. But I'm never likely to alter my stance after reading a 'helmet saved my life' story though. They're a single occurrence (without disrespect to anyone) and have limited relevance to me and the riding I do.


having gone over the handlebars recently, and the helmet saving from the bridge of my nose upwards, I will always wear one and a friend who witnessed it now always wears one too.
If anything, the arguments have hardened me from an occasional wearer to a never wearer.

I've had two major incidents which, had I been wearing a helmet, would have convinced me that a helmet had saved my life; once taken out by drunk copper at forty miles an hour my head went backwards through the windscreen and I ended up in a wheelchair for two months and another when I landed on my face at 30+mph in the middle of an intersection in NYC.

Cyclists wearing helmets communicate to all the world that cycling is an activity which is dangerous. Go to Holland, Denmark or Germany and find a cyclist wearing a helmet. You'll have a hard job.


More serious cyclist than Bonj
I wear mine when im out training, but if im commuting to 6th form or whatever, i just have a cycling cap on.
If its really warm, the helmet comes off.
I never used to wear one, but my mum made me:sad: She also reckoned it would make me look more of a proper cyclist and not just a numpty, and thinks the same about hi-vis vests, so says i should have one on to make me look like a proper cyclist:rolleyes::becool::sad::wacko::sad:

rich p

ridiculous old lush
I wear one when thrashing round the lanes at 'high speed' but don't when cycling 1500 miles to Italy. I'm just a mixed up kid;)


I prefer not to wear one as they're just not comfy. Normally when cycling around the rural roads of Somerset I just wear a beanie. However, I have to work in Birmingham quite often and stop in a B&B. I fill the lonely evenings by going out on the bike. The roads in Brum are far more dangerous so I've taken to wearing a helmet. Mainly due to inconsiderate and stupid motorists.


God Almighty
I never used to wear one - parents tried to force it onto me, but it just looked stupid, so I said if I ever get a road bike I'd wear a helmet. A few years later, I purchased a road bike, and the moment I got on the bike and felt the high speeds, I wore a helmet. Have worn one ever since (and thanks god I have as I'm pretty sure my thread is the thread the OP is on about :becool: ). Would I make them the law? Unsure. Would I strongly advise one, force my kids to wear one when I am older (and when I have kids)...yes.
Informed yes, persuaded no. I also have to say that no anecdotal evidence has ever convinced me one way or the other, I still await a proper test. My next helmet will be rounder and to Snell standards but I will continue to wear one, pain has a long memory.

Night Train

Maker of Things
I don't wear one at the moment as I can't find it. However, I was never happy with it as it was uncomfortable and left strap marks on my neck.

I do wonder how much protection it can really offer when compared to my motor bike helmet when I see some of the helmets out there.
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