Holiday in Malaga

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Legendary Member
We have some unexpected time free and without our dog in March so plan to take an early-year holiday somewhere new.

We are thinking of Malaga. Anyone have any observations or suggestions?
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I like Málaga. I’d like to visit again this year as it’s been nearly 5 years since my last trip.
On my first trip I took a guided cycling tour to get a better feel for the city. I’ve also cycled in the wider area: hilly in places but not up to, say, Gran Canaria levels.
You’ll miss Semana Santa (Easter Week) if you go in March. Having once been trapped in a plaza as three processions converged on the roads around it, that is a good thing in my opinion.
Sevilla is a short-ish train ride away and is also recommended if you’ve not been there.
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