Homemade soup

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New Member
I've got a fantastic recipe for soup that includes porridge oats. They give the soup a wonderful creaminess, can't remember everything that goes into it, but easy to make and always goes down a treat with everyone that's tried it. :smile:


We always use the roast chicken carcass to make a stock for a nice soup.


New Member
graham56 said:
Soup? Broth, thats what you want man!

There's a pub near me that has the following sign behind the bar

Broth £1 Plate or bowl.

I've never had the guts to try it. A mate was in the same pub one day when a dog came in off the street, cocked it's leg against the bar and then left again. Nobody batted an eyelid.

Mr Phoebus

New Member
Beware you don't choke on a bone!


Probably needs a little less salt too.


Smutmaster General
Oh come come, fellas ;)
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