How often do you clean your windows?

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Well-Known Member
I was just cleaning the inside of the upstairs hallway windows and realised that I last cleaned them a year ago (the cloth is filthy BTW!), is anyone else as lazy as me????


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Once a month.
I hate dirty windows.
I was a window cleaner when I first left school 25 years ago.


Legendary Member
I don't know about the windows but my car was last washed in 2003. I do clean those windows inside and out and the light lenses quiet often but there I stop.


Smutmaster General
Not very often. The missus insists that vinegar and newspaper are better than owt else.... outrside done by window cleaner x1 a month.


We've got 3 velux windows dotted around our house, due to the angle they are set (roughly 45 degs) at they accumulate dirt quite easily and water doesn't always completely run off. So I got some water repellant treatment, the kind of stuff you put on car windscreens that allows water to 'bead up' and clear the screen without wipers. Works a treat and now I only have to clean them every few months instead of twice a month.

I lead a fairly unexciting life.


Night Train

Maker of Things
My house is too tall and I can't get a window cleaner in without a monster cherry picker or scaffolding. I last tried washing the windows a couple of years ago. Couldn't get to all parts of all of them then and still can't.:angry:


Über Member
A mate of mine used to ask what the point was in washing windows - particularly if all you were going to do was put up net curtains so people couldn't see in...


Marie Attoinette Fan
I bouht my flat just over two years ago and whilst I've cleaned the inside a few times I can't recall ever cleaning the outside. There's only 2 windows and I can open them inwards to clean from the flat but I'm too lazy, I'd rather be out on my bike.


Champion barbed-wire hurdler
Every few years.

I'm a top floor flat, 5 floors above ground and I have very tall windows. They DO open in the way (like a door), but to get to the top even I have to get up on a stepladder (I'm 6ft 3"). That's a bit nerve-wracking, as one false move or slip and I'd be out the window sideways. :biggrin:

Tried mops / squeegees etc on poles but they never work very well and I end up having to go up the ladder to finish the job properly.

Does anyone know of a window cleaner in Edinburgh with a cherrypicker ? :angry:


Über Member
Flying_Monkey said:
Same here. I suppose I would do it more often if I lived somewhere that was really polluted.

I clean the insides of them occassionally, but never the outsides. The leaded glass is a pain! I suppose that's what window cleaners are for but there aren't really any round where I live.


Senior Member
outside window cleaner once a month inside about every 6 weeks. Car gets washed once a week without fail, bike gets washed at the same time as car. I give my house quick dust and hoover and clean bathroom once a week and then do 1 or 2 rooms thoroughly each week - paintwork washed, windows cleaned, drawers tidied, oven cleaned etc that means I get round house about every 6 weeks or so and never have to do major spring clean.
I've always done it like that right from when I had my first house. My mum had a cleaner and we always had to tidy our rooms before she came!

Night Train

Maker of Things
I clean the windows and mirrors on the car frequently as a safety thing. Glass cleaning is a pain. I have massive mirrors in my bathroom and they are a real PITA to keep shiny.


Married to Night Train
Night Train said:
I clean the windows and mirrors on the car frequently as a safety thing. Glass cleaning is a pain. I have massive mirrors in my bathroom and they are a real PITA to keep shiny.

Isn't that your problem, since you scrounged them from the tip... (or is it not those mirrors?xx()

I do the insides of mine... er, well, I did them once... Outsides, I dunno, I did once come home to find a window cleaner in action, as it's a rented flat, and two floors up it's out of my hands...
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