How to ride 100 miles?

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Legendary Member
I've got this idea in my mind that I shan't ever be able to call myself a proper cyclist unless I can ride 100 miles in one go. So my questions are these:

Since it is generally believed that drafting another rider saves about 30% of your effort, would cycling 100 miles behind somebody else mean I had only actually ridden 70 miles?

Is there any difference between riding 100 miles straight in a windward direction in Lincolnshire and 100 miles in a circuit in Lancashire where, as we all know, the wind direction changes between dawn and dusk so as to be always in your face and there are some really big hills?


100 miles is a hundred miles, whether you benefit from drafting or not. Yes it's arguably harder as a solo rider, but the benchmark is a 100 miles, if you want to make it harder by riding alone, go for it.



More serious cyclist than Bonj
Whether you ride it in a group or not, its still 100 miles. You will feel it.
I did my 127miles in a hilly area(Derbyshire) but i like hills(well dont mind them, i just go up them well so might aswell enjoy them) and it worked for me.
You could do a big loop around your area so when/if you need to turn back you can. I did mine differently, it was something like 66 miles out, then however many back. The person i did it with didnt have someone to pick him up, and my mum was busy(probably got lost on the way out) so it gave you the go to get there and back.


New Member
i found that i felt most tired about midway, then after that, my strength came back and by the end of the 115 miles we were still sprinting up hills

Mr Phoebus

New Member
The hardest thing about cycling 100 miles is trying to make non-cyclists believe you that you cycled it in one day. ;)


Legendary Member
From where you are you could plan a trip to the coast, a fifty there, cup of tea and then you'd have to get home ;)


Über Member
Sign up for a Sportive or Audax ride, it will be far easier riding than it would be riding for hours on your tod.

Mr Phoebus

New Member
Smokin Joe said:
F*ck me, you get that with ten miles ;)

I've had it with 6 miles. :sad:
Nurse was dumbfounded that I'd cycled that vast a distance. :smile:


More serious cyclist than Bonj
Relax and dont look at the milage. After what would of been about 120miles we were still going along doing 27mph on the flat sometimes, normally sitting at around 20mph though.
Take it easy, dont look at trip distance, just the time and enjoy the view.
Oh and eat:biggrin:


Legendary Member
Mr Phoebus said:
I've had it with 6 miles. ;)
Nurse was dumbfounded that I'd cycled that vast a distance. :sad:

yebbut, you had gangrene and a dislocated shoulder, right?
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