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Keith Oates

rest days, what are we going to do tonight with no stage to look at!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go to the local bar I suppose!!
Catch up on your reading Keith - I still haven't read the souvenir programme from London yet and only finished Cycling Weekly thanks to being stuck in a traffic jam on the M1 last week! (Er...no - I wasn't driving!).

Keith Oates

Keith Oates

I don't have any cycling mags to read at the moment, but I could take a longer, slower commute home I suppose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Keith Oates said:
Maybe one or two :eek: !!!!!!!!

Rubbish to all that. Rest days are for forummers to sit and speculate all day, reflect on the past week's racing, and pretend they know what they're talking about :blush:


New Member
Has anybody else been surprised by the amount of interest shown in this years race by people who have never previously shown any interest ? I know the race started in London and that adds interest for the Brits but I've had people ask me questions about the TdF who have never shown the remotest bit of interest in cycling before .

I'm actually feeling quite good about the sport of cycling at the moment after feeling pretty depressed about it for the last few years .

Rest day ? I might actually get my bike out and go for a ride !

Tim Bennet.

Entirely Average Member
If only the Liggett and Sherwin Show was back on C4. I'm still amazed at how many people say 'Tour de France ? Ah yes, I really used to enjoy watching that'.

Some are just unaware its now on ITV4, but there are still loads who have neither digital or Sky and really miss seeing the Tour.

But this evening we're having a 'Tour party' to watch the ITV first week summary. There's quite a few 'newbies' coming who I think will get into it as in one hour you can see how things develop in the race over time. We have all the maps and team lists to help them 'get their heads' around it all. But hopefully once hooked.....
Keith Oates

Keith Oates

That sounds like a good idea Tim, keep us informed on how it went!!!


Über Member
Mrs wrx is now hooked.

She watches the nightly coverage, now recognises some of the riders ("Vino-somebody : isn't he the one with the broken coccyx ?"), is even starting to understand team tactics.

She does however keep asking me disconcerting questions like "Who does their washing at the hotels ?"

But most importantly, she's talking about how we'll have to hire a campervan to go to the Alps next year !

What happened is that we wnet down to London, saw the prologue and the start because I'd won village tickets on Sunday morning, so we got to rub shoulders with Cancellara, Hushovd, Wiggins, Moreau, etc and she's now relating to the riders on telly as being 'real people'.

Big T

My Mrs is also hooked.

I came home from a race yesterday to find her watching the Tour live on Eurosport. And she keeps having a go at me for not taking her to see the prologue (just me and the lad went). I always thought she just watched it because I did, but it turns out she is genuinely interested.


New Member
Yep, Mrs dbg doesn't leave the room quite as much as she at the beginning of Le Tour. I think she quite likes the drama of the injuries and crashes, the guy going over the wall was quite a bonus yesterday. :eek:
Keith Oates

Keith Oates

I doubt Arroyo feels quite so enthusiastic about the crash as your wife. But as you say it adds to the interest for her so that can't be all bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, Keith, to summarise, on your day off -

a) sit about chewing the tour rag with anyone who'll listen

:blush: re-read French Revolutions (not the bit about les anchois if you are eating, remember...)
c) set yourself the task of introducing 6 non-cyclists to the allure of watching the TdF

d) write a letter to Channel 4 suggesting they get Phil and Co. back pronto

e) approach a publisher with this idea you've got for a children's book called 'My Big Book of the TdF'



New Member
My girlfriend who previously knew nothing about cycling now knows the names of virtually all the GC contenders, dopers, sprinters, British riders, teams, and has a pretty good understanding of the tactics too.

Took her to the 'Flandrien hard men' photography exhibition at the weekend, and she was talking about how we should buy one of the prints
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