I never thought it would happen......

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Secret Lemonade Drinker
Gerry Attrick said:
But it has........Mrs A has finally gone clipless! First ride out this pm. Clipping in and out like a mad thing. Not yet fell off though, so I have warned her this will happen.

Not that I will laugh however...it is more than my dinner's worth.


Well done to Mrs A :sad:


Legendary Member
Why are clipless called clipless, they have clips, so it should be flat pedals that are called clipless.

My cycling shoes have always been refered to as 'clippies' (this may be something to do with the noise on bare boards in the morning)
Gerry Attrick

Gerry Attrick

Lincolnshire Mountain Rescue Consultant
Brains said:
Why are clipless called clipless, they have clips, so it should be flat pedals that are called clipless.

My cycling shoes have always been refered to as 'clippies' (this may be something to do with the noise on bare boards in the morning)
You are giving away your age.

Once upon a time, cyclists had a choice of flat pedals, or pedals with clips, or straps with which to locate ones foot upon said pedal. Along came the Japanese who, stealing the idea from the world of ski-ing, introduced the pedal which without the aid of clips or straps, located the cyclist's foot firmly and securely, and at the same time opened up the market to multiple types of clipless systems with which they could milk the cyclists of their hard-earned dough.

Or am I cynical?


Senior hunter
Gerry Attrick said:
Y Along came the Japanese who, stealing the idea from the world of ski-ing, introduced the pedal which without the aid of clips or straps, located the cyclist's foot firmly and securely, and at the same time opened up the market to multiple types of clipless systems with which they could milk the cyclists of their hard-earned dough.

Or am I cynical?

Cynical. The advent of "clipless" systems was the single best advance of bicycle technology since ... well, toe clips. Better even than indexed gears, IMO.


New Member
West Lothian
Gerry Attrick said:
But it has........Mrs A has finally gone clipless! First ride out this pm. Clipping in and out like a mad thing. Not yet fell off though, so I have warned her this will happen.

Well done to Mrs A, I have got as far as buying a set of pedals and they are sitting in the garage. I might be brave to fit them this weekend but depends if I can get out to try them as I do not feel like using them for the first time on my commute to work.
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