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Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
The birds you call robins. They are not robins. They are like a very poor excuse for a robin. Also passenger pigeons, how did you manage to kill the whole lot?


Who shot JFK?
Who on earth likes Corn Dogs? :wacko:
Why do you call Folgers coffee?
Can you drive stick shift?


Trump how did that happen, mind you we’re in no position to query that in fact I can’t offhand think of a single country right now that doesn’t have a loon at the helm


Charming but somewhat feckless
Why is there no aluminium in America?

That’s the wrong question, see? You should be asking why there is no aluminum in the UK.

In the beginning it was aluminum in BE, following the style of elements like platinum. For some reason it later changed in BE to follow the style of potassium whereas AE retained the original BE spelling.


Quite dreadful
Why do your fellow citizens have to wrap brown paper round their grog when out in public? Does it keep their beer cool?
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