Irn-Bru? Scottish Blethering Thread

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Formerly CC2014
Quick question - are reflectors a legal requirement on a bike?

I have a light and bell on front, it's overkill with front reflector. Also on seat post with bag for tools etc and back light, it's kind of crowded.

Is it necessary to have them?
Quick question - are reflectors a legal requirement on a bike?

I have a light and bell on front, it's overkill with front reflector. Also on seat post with bag for tools etc and back light, it's kind of crowded.

Is it necessary to have them?
Only if you go out at night. Night being defined as between sunset and sunrise and technically front, rear and pedal reflectors are required as well as front and rear lights, just not a bell (any time of day).
But then given how few lights meet legal requirements anyway, there is little point in worrying about the reflectors. :whistle:

useful information on the situation from the CTC


Legendary Member
Quick question - are reflectors a legal requirement on a bike?

I have a light and bell on front, it's overkill with front reflector. Also on seat post with bag for tools etc and back light, it's kind of crowded.

Is it necessary to have them?
The thing to consider. If your front light fails you will immediately be aware of the fact and cycle accordingly, but if your rear light fails you may cycle on for miles without realising that to following vehicles you will be less than conspicuous.
Law or no law, I like to have a rear reflector but am not so concerned about having one on the front.:smile:

tug benson

Survived the Tour O the borders 2013
Hey it's all a learning experience - you'll never do that again! (Well you might...)

Is that near/past Muirpark Farm? I spent many a summer there - just had a look on Google maps, didn't realise it was near the Tak... hmmm, might be worth a wee trip through there before the summer is out...
Be warned...the Tak is a b@st@rd


What is wrong with it? I need to get my Btwin sorted for winter riding, needs a full chainset replacement.

The tyre I showed you finally gave up on me, I've got a spare few but cba doing it :laugh:


Formerly CC2014
That job is so straightforward even I could do it!

I've got creakiness coming from somewhere when I'm peddling - also takes a while to get into big ring at front. Really wish I was a practical kind of guy!


Without a clever title
Is that from both sides, or is there one side "preferrable" - I would be approaching from the Stirling end, the road I know goes in at Whins past the Bruce monument.
The south side (from Kilsyth) is the fun challenge. From Bannockburn you have a long slog upwards to Carron Bridge and then just a few fairly steep bits either side of a ford (careful - bad surface under the water!).
Go with the tailwind if you want to get a good time, or against it if you want to curse the world.


The south side (from Kilsyth) is the fun challenge. From Bannockburn you have a long slog upwards to Carron Bridge and then just a few fairly steep bits either side of a ford (careful - bad surface under the water!).
Go with the tailwind if you want to get a good time, or against it if you want to curse the world.

Sounds... interesting. Might consider it over the next couple of weeks if we ever get a dry weekend - Kinc Bridge to Kilsyth looks fairly straightforward.

Time is never an issue with me - survival is.
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