I've got <moan> Man Flu <aawwwuuugggg>

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<big 'I'm dying' moan>

I may have to take a break from CC for a week or two as I've got a really bad case of Man Flu.

There's currently no known cure, although in many circles an accepted band-aid is to play on-line shooting games for hours on end.

I've cancelled tomorrow mornings ride as I know I won't have the energy to get down the stairs, and the missus is on standby with peeled grapes and brow mop.

Wish me luck, this man flu can be very serious as I'm sure many of the men on the forum can atest.

<raises weak arm to give pathetic man flu wave>

Shaun :becool:


Legendary Member

You're off on holiday with all our money :becool:

Get Well Soon - a solo bike ride in a few days will help clear the tubes somewhat :becool:


Senior Member
Lucky the man flu hasn't weakened your trigger finger!

Hope your missus appreciates just how debilitating man-flu is and takes good care of you.

Get well soon.


New Member
I woke up yesterday with a bit of a flu, and thought oh no swine flu. So had breakfast. Took 1500mg of vit c put on a sweat suit and went and ran 15k. Got home and my body felt fooked.... today I feel fine bar the fact I can't stop drinking water! So Get a sweat suit and get out on the bike you wimp :smile:
buggi said:
Oink Oink... are you sure it's man flu?

..or (Male Chauvinist) Swine Flu


Sh4rkyBloke said:
So is this you saying you're not going to be there at the CC meeting now, Shaun?

Well, ermmmmm, I might just be able to manage to drag my poor aching weak body out of bed and force myself to drive over to Derby for a couple of days.

I'll email the lady at the guesthouse to let her know I've got man flu - I'm sure she'll be understanding ... lol :tongue:
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