I've just torn up . . .

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. . . a huge pile of papers (bank statements, pension papers, tax returns etc.) and it feels GREAT! :biggrin:

I got a bit carried away, but with each tear was a huge feeling of liberation and freedom (the same kind of feeling when I'm touring). :wacko:

I might be struggling in 17+ years when I'm 65, but who fukkin' cares? Not me! I'll be slumming it on a beach somewhere. :tongue:
I know the feeling.

Recently had a big household clearout and adopted the ruthless approach.
It got to the point that I had to rein myself back in, otherwise the house would have been empty !

Very satisfying to have the occasional de-clutter. :tongue:


Legendary Member
"I have never been in any rich man's house which would not have looked the better for having a bonfire made outside of it of nine-10ths of all that it held."

William Morris


Legendary Member
My plan for tomorrow is a big de-clutter. I'm sick of having so much stuff lying around. I'm de-cluttering the garden today. Must get back to it.


Cake connoisseur
[quote name='swee'pea99']"I have never been in any rich man's house which would not have looked the better for having a bonfire made outside of it of nine-10ths of all that it held."

William Morris[/QUOTE]
Poor William, he'd be so sad if he came round here and discovered the same applies to less affluent people as well.

Unfortunately I've inherited my mother's wartime thrift gene - "you never know when that might come in handy".

We really should do something about the enormous sprawl of paperwork that's seeping across our lounge ;)


New Member
All you need for the pension is the policy document..bin the rest.

....would somebody please come round and de cluter my place? I live with hoarders of books, cooking magazines, plastic bags, you name it we have it, stuffed into each anmd every corner. It's so bad that whenever we need something we cant find it so a new one gets bought then added to the clutter. None of this junk is mine of course...no...
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