Keith Floyd's dead.

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I was sorry to hear this. He always came across as far more genuine than the current crop of bland, identikit chefs.


Secret Lemonade Drinker
R.I.P. Sad to see anyone go, I suppose he enjoyed himself, and that was the main thing.


More serious cyclist than Bonj
This guy was a legend, i used to watch his programmes before i went to school.
What always made me laugh was he would have a glass of wine or whatever by the side, which would go into the cooking, then the rest of the bottle was for him! And hes have a huge swig out of that while cooking:laugh:
He was one of the only TV cooks that i did like. The others are mainly idiots i cant watch.


Somerset UK
Not just booze, smoked like a chimney as well.

On the other hand he enjoyed most of his life, gave a load of pleasure to others through his TV shows, and from what I've read (didn't see the show yesterday) had few regrets.

Much better than the mostly lightweights who followed him.
Watt-O said:
+1 A GOOD BLOKE. As he said last night most of the TV cooks are just a bunch of c@nts!

Yes but most of the TV cooks are alive, entertaining, non-smoking, informative, sober, and not lying on a slab in the morgue. With four failed marriages and ruined businesses behind him, not to mention bankrupcy, perhaps his young daughter might take issue with your description of him as 'a good bloke'.


Openly Marxist
Uncle Mort said:

Quite. Have you seen the splendid thing where he cooks ostrich with about ten ostriches peering over into the pot and camera over his shoulder? It's superb theatre. But my favourite series might well be Floyd on Africa. The food looked fairly horrible but it was hugely entertaining. He went round an entire continent getting pissed with the locals and cooking pretty much the same thing everywhere - a huge pot of boiled goat with fierce chillies, suspicious-looking weed, starchy vegetable matter and masses of the local grog. :biggrin:


Legendary Member
He wasn't a cyclist, then?


Über Member
Belvedere, Kent.
Paul Narramore said:
Yes but most of the TV cooks are alive, entertaining, non-smoking, informative, sober, and not lying on a slab in the morgue. With four failed marriages and ruined businesses behind him, not to mention bankrupcy, perhaps his young daughter might take issue with your description of him as 'a good bloke'.

I expect they'll all die one day!


Formerly known as djtheglove
The show was'nt about the cooking! It was the way that the show was put together and the way that Floyd ruled and directed the programme that was an inovation and had never been done before!!
Similarly to the film that Keith (Allan) made about Floyd it was interesting in the way the programme was made but that is really about all!!
Yes Floyd was a character, but that character was driven to act the way he did in front of the camera because of a huge mistrust of the TV world and so sought to control the whole thing from where he was standing!
The irony is that by the end of his life I honestly believe he realised the importance of the camera and despite hating it and what it stood for he also lauded it in his own mind and was almost a victim to his own success.
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