Last night's storm

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Vice Admiral
Last night at shortly after 10pm a thunder storm started. I soon noticed that instead of lightening followed a few seconds later by thunder, we were getting lots of lightening and almost continuous thunder.

At one point we had about 20 "lightenings" (then I started to loose count) with only a few seconds between each, and the thunder just kept going, going quieter for a bit, then becoming louder. The thunder rolls were resounding for a very long time. Then a short gap and starting again. I only saw one or two "forks", the rest of time the whole sky lit up.

The storm also lasted for well over an hour, and came back again an hour after that.

In the past there have been storms rumbling on for a long time, but this seemed different. You might well have had the "same" storm over you sometime last night. Did you notice anything different?


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
No storm up here that I was aware of, although it has obviously rained a bit. I got a sort of lightning effect from the fluorescent lamp on the building opposite which is on the way out and doing that crazy flickering thing...

I love a good storm, we had a cracker in France. Proper forked lightning, real cracks of thunder, rolled round the vally for an hour or so....


nothing in moderation
got woken up in the wee hours by rail splashing onto my foot. had to get up and close the window. fortunately it was gone this morning, as mrs alecetc had put my overshoes in the wash, as the cat had been sleeping on them.

Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
We had a 90 minute heavy thunderstorm last night during the mid-evening. Afterwards, at about 10.30 pm, I saw one of oddest things I've ever seen. There was a band of what looked like cloud but I'm inclined to think it was mist which had risen up from the hot ground and condensed. In any event it was about 50 yards long, and about ten feet thick and it just sat half way up the tower of the local castle and then, after about five minutes, it just slid down towards the river. The whole effect was enhanced by the fact that the castle is lit up in the evenings. Odd but beautiful.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
The aliens have landed - run for cover................

(watching too much War of the Worlds - remake)


Huge thunderstorm in Bristol last night. Guess who was out on his MTB in the woods...


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Kirstie said:
There's the odd rumble of thunder in s leics at the moment. Either that or it's time for my fish finger sandwich...

no, that might be the sound of Hilldodger backing his van into that BMW... (see whoops thread)
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