Wales : Powys Let's get together.... Hay-on-Wye cycle camp 12-16th Sept 2019

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I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
Not sure where on the forum to put this, but as anyone is welcome to turn up and ride just for a day, forum recreational rides seems a good place to start (Mods, feel free to move it if you think somewhere else is more appropriate :okay:).

The plan is to get 3 days cycling in a fantastic part of the country, all from a campsite base just outside Hay-on-Wye. Nothing is set in stone yet but I have spoken to a site owner and they are open on the weekend in question and the facilities seem to fit the bill nicely (good location for riding, secluded spot, showers, allows camp fires). Racquety Farm camping is just 0.5 miles out of the town so we have options for evening pub meals if the weather is a bit rotten, or can shop at the Co-op and cook/BBQ on site if the sun is shining :sun::cheers:

I will probably arrive on Thu 12th to set up tent and gazebo then ride Fri, Sat & Sun with a trip home on Monday. I will be arriving by car so will bring a small BBQ and other basic camping kit, a couple of chairs, a gazebo which is always useful for shade or shelter when camping and some basic bike toolkit.

I also intend to bring a road bike and an MTB to best take advantage of the riding in the area so will do a road ride on Fri, MTB on Sat and final road ride on Sun.

As I already said, nothing is set in stone so this may change to suit participants. People are welcome to come along for just one day or one night and we don't even have to ride all together, smaller groups can do their own thing if they don't fancy the proposed route on a particular day. The main thing is we can all regroup in the evenings to socialise around the camp fire with a beer (or in the nearest pub if the weather is poor!).

Anyone interested? School summer holidays will be over so things should have quietened down a bit and it is a good chance to get away for some quality cycling time without having to fight the hordes....


How much does it cost to Oldham?
Lovely part of the world.

I'll be in Greece :sad:
I like Skol

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
Just to whet peoples appetites, here are just a few of the possible ride options in the area....

Road rides;

Some MTB rides;

I fancy THIS ride, pinched from @JhnBssll's recent trip - but will need some other tracks stitching in as it doesn't quite touch our starting point. The published route is about 7-8 miles away from the campsite at its closest so could be difficult to make it work once 10-15 miles of connecting trails are added into an already big ride.....
I like Skol

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
I know I have been very quiet on this event since first posting it. This has been due to a major project taking a lot of my spare time. I have been totally rebuilding my old Landrover for the last two months.
It's taken a bit longer than planned due to working shifts, holidays and some biblical bad weather (working outside on the drive), but things are in the final stages so hopefully will have things completed at weekend, just in the nick of time for this cycle/camping trip to go ahead. I reckon it's 50:50 if I make it so feel it is only fair to warn anyone contemplating coming along that it might not happen!
Nobody has openly commited in the thread so I don't feel too bad if I have to pull the plug at this late stage.
However, if I do hit my targets and have the old girl running and MOT'd I will be going, even if I am there on my own. If nothing else, I will enjoy the fabulous riding and my own company. I can also take the opportunity to pedal south and visit my dad just a few days after his 81st birthday.
I like Skol

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
Ok, we're on :wahhey:

Car rebuild project is finished so I plan to arrive Thursday and cycle Fri, Sat, Sun.

Weather forecast for Hay-on-Wye looks reasonably kind for pitching canvas, I'd better book my camping spot.... :sun:

Slight change of plan, I think I will just bring the road bike and leave the mountain biking on this trip.

BBQ and a few beers ahoy :cheers:


Ride It Like You Stole It!
Have a good un.

It's TOB for me on the Sat. How the heck I'm going to get Mrs F up Werneth Low on her MTB I don't know.... it will be my nuts on the fence posts at the top I think....


Openly Marxist
Ok, we're on :wahhey:

Car rebuild project is finished so I plan to arrive Thursday and cycle Fri, Sat, Sun.

Weather forecast for Hay-on-Wye looks reasonably kind for pitching canvas, I'd better book my camping spot.... :sun:

Slight change of plan, I think I will just bring the road bike and leave the mountain biking on this trip.

BBQ and a few beers ahoy :cheers:
Do you have a ride plan for Saturday, Skolly, or will you be making it up as you go along?
I like Skol

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
Going to do some planning midweek so I can say more then. Will definitely ride somewhere on somedays :tongue:
I like Skol

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...

I think I will be happy with that :sun:

Just have to get some domestic chores out of the way then can start some proper route planning to fill the 3 days and hopefully visit some of the nicer spots in the area :okay:
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