FNRttC London to WHITSTABLE - 25 August 2017

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Random geezer
A handful of times. I'm looking at a distinctive lighting bling for the all upper bike. So there's no possibility of mistaking it.


A handful of times. I'm looking at a distinctive lighting bling for the all upper bike. So there's no possibility of mistaking it.
You know you want to, I saw you eyeing up Charlotte's bike.....


Random geezer
Thanks @User10571 I have ordered two metres of blue bling. No one can claim in error that the All Upper passed them. Might be here by the Bognor ride: might not though.......


Thanks @User10571 I have ordered two metres of blue bling. No one can claim in error that the All Upper passed them. Might be here by the Bognor ride: might not though.......
You'll also need an inverter to run EL wire - it operates on AC current - which you won't get from a battery without using an inverter.

comme ça

ETA - if it rains, you are probably best off to remove the battery.
Otherwise your bike ride could become *interesting*.
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It's a bit more complicated than that...

Anyone without one isn't allowed to mark.


It's a bit more complicated than that...
Cable-tied to their bike, so they can't pass them on to anyone else?
Good idea. Also solves the problem that sometimes people stand and waymark so that their bike is all but invisible. You might also encourage waymarkers to point their bikes in the direction they're indicating - or is it just me that gets miffed at having to guess?


It's a bit more complicated than that...
Hang about, identification of the waymarker was not the issue. Misidentification of the all upper was the problem.
If perhaps @mmmmartin were to wear the yellow rainlegs, that would make it easier to identify him.
Think of it as a badge of certification. If you hold the coveted order of the waymarker then you have been trained and can be trusted to stand still like a lemon until the actual all-upper arrives.


What about a bugle?
Vuvuzela (sp) is what is needef


Silencing his legs regularly
Totally agree. I have been caught out in the past by waymarkers standing where they can't be seen until the last moment, and facing the wrong way. And having a pee in the hedge ... And once shouting "TURN LEFT! ....... I mean MY left!" (I won't embarrass him again by saying who that was :laugh:.)
Riders can come up with some pretty odd ideas from time to time. Saturday morning, I'm marking a left turn, this one. Positioned myself, in clear view of the junction, in Mayplace Rd E, the road we were continuing along, astride the bike and facing the correct direction. 'Are we turning left'? I'm not entirely clear how there could be any confusion about that.....


We will have an NVQ2 in way marking soon....

Just needs it to be clear that you wait at the junction until the all upper has all upped.

No need to over think this


FWIW, I tend to ride a little ahead of the tail end.
On encountering a waymarker I'll most likely say 'I'll take over here, if you want to catch up with the ride'.
Or words to that effect.
Chances are that they've been on that spot for a while...
And will most likely welcome the break.
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