Looks like the time has come to hang up my driving gloves

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Not to sure?
I am 60 in February next year and I've held my HGV1 licence since the age of 21, and in this morning post was my renewal for that licence. After initially being a full time HGV driver for a few years and being away from home four or five nights a week, it was later used more in conjunction with my role as a HGV fitter doing road tests and delivering/collecting vehicles.

As time moved on, as it does and I slowly moved more into office based roles but I used to do the odd driving jobs at a weekend: a) to top up the slush fund for bike related bits b) keep my hand in driving large vehicles.

To be honest over the years it has got me out of so many financial predicaments as I have been made redundant four times during my working life. And while seeking full time work that is more suitable to my skill set, one phone call to my regular driving agency and the next day I can be working. Not ideal jobs some times, and usually its the crap that the full time drivers didn't want to do, centre of London delivers on a Saturday afternoon in an artic for example!

A few years ago once again I was dealt yet another bitter blow and was made redundant and I opted to return to driving full time. Large utility company with regular hours, no overtime and staying within a 60 miles radius of home, what's not to like about that I thought. But within a few weeks I realised that I had made a huge mistake, traffic congestion, knob head drivers and so bored doing the same route over and over again. But it was paying the bills which was the main thing till I found something more suitable.

Okay it took me 18 months, but I finally found another full time role which has no involvement driving HGVs at all and I have been in this role for coming up to fours years now and its about as secure as any job can be I suppose.

Its fair to say that I have no aspirations to ever drive an HGV again, crowded roads, possible long and uncertain hours, early starts and late finishes, to many knob heads etc, but part of me thinks that it would be a shame to let it lapse, given also the fact that I have contemplated the thought of possible early retirement next year and it may be a "easy" route to find the odd days work.

That said its going to be the best part of a couple of hundred quid for the medical and new tacho card, and it certainly wouldn't be my first option to consider if I needed work.


Legendary Member
I'd keep it up (licence) 'just in case' to be honest. If nothing else you might get a bit of work odd weekends if you need a few extra quid for something, and it's a back up for 'worse case scenario'.
Take my hat off to you lads/lasses who drive HGVs, it must be bad enough being stuck in them all day, let alone sleeping in them at night in some far flung industrial estate or whatever.


Legendary Member
It's your call, but it sounds like you're trying to convince yourself. Good luck whatever you decide.

PS, your 60th is about the same time as my 50th ;)

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
But within a few weeks I realised that I had made a huge mistake, traffic congestion, knob head drivers and so bored doing the same route over and over again....
Its fair to say that I have no aspirations to ever drive an HGV again, crowded roads, possible long and uncertain hours, early starts and late finishes, to many knob heads etc, but part of me thinks …….. and it certainly wouldn't be my first option to consider if I needed work.

I think this is your answer. It's a shoot job, so why set yourself up to do more of it when you should really be looking forward to an enjoyable retirement?


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
You mention the cost of medical and digicard. Don't forget the joy of CPC training. A day a year to keep the 5 year roll training regime going.
And, when you are 65, you must have a medical every year. (Mine only costs £40, but you have to search around for a good price!)


Good for you.
The few hgv drivers I know hate it now.
Most would give it up yesterday if they could.
Time schedule ,hrs ,traffic and nobbers on the road who wouldn't be safe in a field..

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
I used to drive for a living and although it was only a small van in comparison to an HGV, all the rose tinted glasses in the world can't convince me that going back to it would be a good idea. I still reminisce about 'the good old days' but deep down I know that within a couple of hours of getting back behind the wheel I would be hating it. Just the occasional trip into Manchester city centre to pick my wife up has me wishing I would never see the inside of a car ever again so driving in these conditions for a living, even on a casual basis, would be an unbearable hell.
I still enjoy driving and love long trips of 200-300 miles when they arise, but these are on my terms, travelling to places I choose at times that can avoid the worst of the madness.


The Glue that binds us together.
The only time i find driving enjoyable is when i am abroad.


You dont lose your entitlement if dont renew it, you can just let it lapse. Then if you decide you want to drive a truck again, you just need a medical to get the LGV entitlement back on your licence and get your cpc up to date.
Unless its changed in the last few years.


Not to sure?
You mention the cost of medical and digicard. Don't forget the joy of CPC training. A day a year to keep the 5 year roll training regime going.
And, when you are 65, you must have a medical every year. (Mine only costs £40, but you have to search around for a good price!)

Oh crap, I had 100% forgotten all about that! So that pretty much answers my own question, because without checking but Im sure that come summer of 2019 I will need to do a whole new course, circa £500 at least I would have thought.

Crikey......I hadn't even factored that into the mix, thanks @PeteXXX


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Ive just checked on the DVLA website and I need to have 35 hours training done and dusted by 09/09/19 :sad:
It's a double whammy for casual/agency drivers!
I get mine paid for by the company I work for. You will likely have to pay for it yourself plus lose the money you could have earned driving whilst sat in a classroom.


Legendary Member
I can't imagine driving lorries for a living. Both my daughters are studying 'oop north, and I always drive them up, and me back, in a day. Leaves me shattered. The thought of having to get up next day and do it again....and the day after....and the day after.... (And that's in a Honda not an HGV.)

Hats off to HGV drivers, and good luck whatever you decide.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
I am another one with a valid, but redundant, HGV1 licence. My CPC card and digi-card are both still valid too, but I haven't driven a lorry of any description for very nearly 2 years now, since I started work as handy-man at a local care home. Similar hourly rate but only a mile from home, and no anti-social hours. It's a no-brainer; but never say never - care homes aren't exactly the most secure places to work, despite the ageing population!

My understanding is the same as @Smudge in that you can let your licence expire if you want, then just re-activate it by doing your medical and filling in a form for the DVSA.. But I would keep your original licence as proof that you once had HGV1 entitlement. I've read of many cases of people sending their licence off to the DVSA for whatever reason, and it being returned with some entitlement removed. It's been in the press re motorcyclists.
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