Magazines for guys

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I was in a newsagents earlier and standing in the queue I happened to glance at the magazines.

The array of lads magazines is astounding.

Nuts, Zoo, Loaded, Front, Bizarre, FHM, Maxim they all had very interesting covers! Not that I spent that long looking you understand :biggrin:

No need for Mayfair, Club, Razzle and the likes these days!

Oh to be a teenager again :tongue:


Rare Migrant
Greedo said:
No need for Mayfair, Club, Razzle and the likes these days!

I thought the lack of erm, "insulating newspapers" to be stuffed down the front of one's jersey when out riding the country lanes was more to do with the rise of t'interweb!:tongue:


I look at them and feel profoundly depressed. I want something to read. How many airbrushed pictures of tits does anyone need?


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Flying_Monkey said:
I look at them and feel profoundly depressed. I want something to read. How many airbrushed pictures of tits does anyone need?

Depends how keen/pedantic a birdwatcher you are...


Flying_Monkey said:
I look at them and feel profoundly depressed.

Me too. It not only...oh, I can't be bothered. :wacko:


New Member
Flying_Monkey said:
I look at them and feel profoundly depressed. I want something to read. How many airbrushed pictures of tits does anyone need?

If you buy that stuff and find nothing worth reading, then that's your own fault.

I bought loaded a few years back, and the bloke behind the counter in the petrol station asked me if I wanted a bag for it, and looked at me like I was a pervert. Yes, lonely ugly underpaid petrol station loser, you draw what conclusions your limited horizons allow.


Über Member
Yes there are lots of them out there. All the local kids jump the fence to rifle through the paper skip at the recycle site to find them. Only got one stack of porn once or twice on the round, always double bagged, so its a bit of a shock when you empty the bag out into the skip. ;)


Legendary Member
I remember watching a young man buying a big pile of magazines in France once; the cashier went through checking the prices. There were the French equivalents of all kinds of funny things like Computer World, Railway Gazette, knitting, birds, canal boats, tennis, gardening, astronomy, cooking... what wide-ranging interests he has, I thought, then buried in the middle was.... Gay Times. I felt a bit sad that he felt the need to do it that way.


Aperitif said:
Men Only was the reference manual for 15-16 year olds (I forget now....:sad:)

I remember there was a character in that mag with a column called 'Nataniel Fatbastard'...

Most amusing ! ! !
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