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Suggested reading: Book of the Bivvy by Ronald Turnbull.


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
Did a short trip a few weeks ago - rode to St Ives, stayed the night, then back home the following day via Cambridge. 28 hours away, but a fun little trip on the fixed.


Legendary Member
Far Far Away
I do it quite often.

Finish work (or bugger off early:secret:), nip into Wales then head back the next day. 50% of my riding involves a tent or bivvy nowadays.


Legendary Member
I'm hoping to get back to a cycle up to Monyash (60 miles approx.) for a pint then either return or crawl into the Bikamper if there is anyone I know well in the pub so have more than a couple. Its mostly on cyclepaths all the way from Leicester. :biggrin:


Rural Kent
I love the idea of this - I'm more likely to do a day out than an overnight though. It's the sort of thing I would do if I were not married to a man who hates camping, I think!

The philosophy of micro-adventuring can be applied to very small urban things too - taking different routes, going into a little museum or shop you've never seen before, sitting still in a busy place and watching everything that goes by. You live more fully if you try things.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
In the States, it's quite commonplace, called a S24o, or Sub 24.


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
We carried a two person micro-tent, sleeping bag and food ( and the rest) for ten days down the north half of Corsica shortly after we got married. The GR20, you should try it. At the time, I cursed myself for not just bringing a couple of bivvy bags, but actually, having a tiny space in a tent is a great place to be. A glorified waterproof sleeping bag isn't nearly as much fun. The weight saving isn't that much either.


Legendary Member
The guys over on Singletrack are quite into bivvying and light touring.

Museums and art galleries are always worth visiting; you would have to be the most dyed-in-the-wool philistine not to gain something by visiting those kinds of places.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
In the States, at least for me, a great source of microtour ideas has been the W.P.A. Guides put out during and right after the great Depression of the 1930's. Tours laid out for automobiling, covering the most minute details of each states' history. Amazingly well written by some of the best authors, who were looking for a meal ticket during the depression. Most cities covered separately as well, and good general overviews of history. There may be more history in your county than in my entire state, as you have been at it a great deal longer.


Legendary Member
Far Far Away
[QUOTE 3428492, member: 76"]After some faffing, I did this on Saturday night. It was great, just me in my sleeping bag and bivvi bag, a (very large) mug of Gluewhein and a tarp. The star show around midnight was amazing, the owls were bloody noisy though. I will certainly be doing another in the very near future. Pictures of mine and loads of other microadventures at https://tagboard.com/microadventure/search [/QUOTE]
It's bloomin' great when you get out and do it:thumbsup:

Winter is a good time for it, less wee beasties and people about. You can have the countryside all to yourself when it's cold. I suppose that's great if you're a miserable git, like me^_^

There's a pitch I use often in Wales, it's about six humongous pine trees with nothing around them but heather for miles. Everytime I've stayed there, the owls have kept me awake. It's amazing how loud a twit, twoo, screech and scream is, especially at around 2.30am. Good alarm call but not good for clean under crackers :laugh: I've also discovered black grouse make weird noises too, they're also close to that pitch. They tend to make dawn racket.

Take a hip flask with a nice tipple, you'll soon hear nothing but your own snoring!
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