Mundane News

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I dunno, In the States, PBS airs a lot of things from BBC, but never heard of YTV. Netflix also airs a lot of BBC shows, they showed every episode of Dad's Army a few years back, and are currently running Still Game.

Yorkshire Television .... Lad
Back in the day when independent television was made up of regional stations. It's now part of ITV you may not know about it but you will have seen many well known shows. Made at the Yorkshire studios which had a well known reputation for quality output.
It had a very distinctive i dent , fondly remembered and sadly missed. A longer vision with arial views of the moors was also used , I can't find a clip at moment. As it happens the guy who won the competition to design it died a few weeks ago.



Touch it up and ride it
Afternoon hot chocolate went down well


All at sea⛵
Took my bike for a roam

Had to get from Ashford International Station to Wm Harvey Hospital.
Several occasions I nearly got an ambulance ride. SUV Assassins are out in force.

Who convinced who that the cycle route was remotely suitable.
Several 90 degree bends and so on.

Now cast adrift in the confused universe called "out patients". Condemned to see my days out here I feel. Send reinforcements
It's a grey, chilly and drizzly day here chez Casa Reynard. The sun did try to come out, but seems to have given it up as a bad job.

I slept well and slept in. It's nice to be able to recharge the batteries. I have had a quiet day catching up with correspondence, doing some writing and keeping an eye on the snooker.

Had a lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with salami, one with sliced avocado, plus an apple, a pear, some wensleydale with cranberries and the obligatory two :cuppa:


Never heard of Yorkshire Television. The company that brought you Emmerdale Farm!

Talking of which I use to often chat with Stan Richards in the pub he use to learn his scrips over a whiskey or two. Many don't know he was a brilliant pianist, he was a really all round nice man. Always happy to chat to anyone he was never bothered when he was spotted out and about. Mrs 73 nursed him off and on on her ward.
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