Mundane News

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Wifey's annual art show is day after tomorrow & she is stressing. but not as much as years past. proud of her
Morning .
Sunny with some cloud here.
We have to take our car for an MOT this afternoon.
Yesterday I went to the Crafty Cafe at our museum. I didn't know what to take and then thought about my leather wallet which had a seam coming apart. I haven't done any sewing before apart from a button a few weeks ago . It sort of turned out alright! I didn't judge the length of cotton correctly. I had to try to tie it together. It's back in one piece again now and useable.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Wall to wall sunshine today.
Need to go and work on my recumbent tan. The front of my legs being uppermost on the trike are darker than the backs.
May try a different area today as the road I normally use will be worse than usual with touroid and anybody local who can get off heading for Calgary beach.
Strange lack of birdlife nowadays. We used to see lots of waterfowl on the lochs but last few visits have seen nothing apart from the occasional foraging seagull and a couple of crows.
Yesterday even the cuckoo was not around early as they are usually vocal for quite a long time in spring/early summer.


Touch it up and ride it
Second cuppa and a slice of toast went down well


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Mimosa yellow. Mine was French blue. I think my brother's was Cinnabar Red with overdrive, a late model with waxstat SU carburettors. It was slow! His was written off when an Escort van pulled out in front of him.

Ah, the SU carbs, I always reckoned that I used more oil in the dash pots than petrol in the car. I don't remember ever seeing a blue one. I remember driving along a road around Tring Reservoirs, all right angled turns, followed by a friend who thought his car was fast. He said I'd been driving dangerously!
Grey and cool here chez Casa Reynard, with rain imminent.

Slept so-so, just had to keep getting up to use the little girls' room during the night. I love TTOTM... NOT!!! So feeling a bit bleurgh today. I had a kitchen morning, preparing ingredients for tonight's supper. I still have a few bits to do later, but then I plan on working on my archive this afternoon.

I am about three quarters through compiling a database of the photos / images in my collection, cataloguing each one as thoroughly as possible. I think I will end up with more than I thought I had. Whoops! I will also be keeping an eye out on a Bay of E auction for a programme that I spotted in my furkling the other night. Fingers crossed I can snaffle it in order to fill a gap.

In slightly less good news, the Eberhard watch that I bought myself for my Cake Day has stopped working. The balance swings, but there's not enough momentum to make it "tick". I rather suspect a gummed up main spring, which is way beyond my ability to deal with. So I shall have to go and speak to the watchmaker in town about getting a service done. I had actually planned on getting the watch serviced after the summer, as unlike some of the ones I have, this one is worth investing money in. And I suspect it's never been serviced before anyway, given that the inside of the caseback is pristine.

Anyways, it is almost time for luncheon.
Mrs. GA reacted quite unfavorably to all the noise, and that was from a mile or two away. Lord only knows what she would have thought of Watkins Glen, back in the old days of Formula One street running, that was louder, but with better behaved crowds than NASCAR.

The noise is the best bit! BITD when I did the race photography, there was nothing to beat standing in the photographers' safety cages in turn 1 at Rockingham, with 20-plus 5.7 litre V8 engined race cars bearing down at you on full chat. The noise was enough to turn your bones to jelly. Bloody magnificent!
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