Mundane News

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Covid jab at lunchtime after another visit to M&S for three more bananas. Worrying sight in the work bike shed; a wheel less frame chained to a bike stand. Nicked wheels or someone taking them into the office ?


I found a major drawback with my phone . I wanted to use it at the mens shed this afternoon. The fairies visited me and I wanted to phone for a lift. It didn't give me a direct dial option but a load of options. Not very good when I wasn't thinking straight.

You can set up favourites , which you access by one tap on the star icon at the bottom of phone app.
open address book > open contact > scroll down > tap add to favourites.
You can set emergency sos contacts too open setting > scroll down to emergency sos that gives you options to add contacts and how you want to contact them. They also work for anyone without having to unlock the phone if you set it up.
You can access quickly search contacts by force touch ie light long passing on phone icon.
On a side note force touch works with all icons as a short cut, what you can do depends on what it's been set up to work with.
Camera app for example give you option to take different types of photos. Photo app give you option to search your camera roll.
Remember you can also ask Siri to open things , phone or message anyone in your contacts too.
manual search is all done via Spot light which is a pretty powerful and hand in built search tool.



One of those long wheelbase campervans brought the ambulance drop off point to a standstill (and the rest of the flow of traffic throughout the parking area) at the Hospital I attended regulary.

The driver of the campervan obviously thought he was entitled to park in a designated ambulance slot. Inevitably one ambulance arrived and could not find a parking place, and left his vehicle in the middle, where traffic normally flows through. Fortunately this was not the emergency ambulance entrance.

I do not blame the ambulance driver, he was possibly trying to make a point, as he parked level with the campervan. The patient was in a wheelchair and it takes some time to lower them on the "lift" (?) and take them into the hospital.

After that incident I contacted PALS (patient liason) to tell them what happened. Apparently the Wardens of the car park do not have authority to order someone to move their vehicle, and the Police do not have the authority, as it is private property. Alledgedly the campervan stayed there for a few days.

When on Ambo support I've been known to block people like that in with the big yellow fun bus.
Group of us have bumped one or two out the way before now too.
If they complained it would only end up coming to me.
Even had a few times when on a call you get asked to move as your blocking them in. They normally get told to do one.


On the ride into work this morning, to do a special favour for someone, I hit a patch of newly laid gravel surface dressing sliding off into someone's bush. Unfortunately it was a prickly thorn bush. At least I stayed upright and continued on, manfully pulling thorns out as I rode downhill into Leeds.

During lockdown they went tar spaying mad round here. A number of roads on my way out and back home became a nightmare.
One has number of potholes in just the right riding position. They just got filled in with loose gavel lucky they dipped a bit and a slight outline was visible.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Off camping at Bala tomorrow for five nights. Bikes, paddle board and swimming (MrsF). Getting car packing off to a T now. We have a box that has various gubbins, lights, cooking kit, gas etc. Having a saloon means it works better if squashy stuff goes in the boot to maximise space. Electric hookup again so got a fan heater and a travel kettle. Just a bit of luxury especially if we get cold in the lake. Nice site and can't complain at £185 for five nights.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
On the ride into work this morning, to do a special favour for someone, I hit a patch of newly laid gravel surface dressing sliding off into someone's bush. Unfortunately it was a prickly thorn bush. At least I stayed upright and continued on, manfully pulling thorns out as I rode downhill into Leeds.

You'll be finding thorns for weeks.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Off to the garage to move bikes around ^_^

Found my Mountain goat and some tyres that have been looking for

You can set up favourites , which you access by one tap on the star icon at the bottom of phone app.
open address book > open contact > scroll down > tap add to favourites.
You can set emergency sos contacts too open setting > scroll down to emergency sos that gives you options to add contacts and how you want to contact them. They also work for anyone without having to unlock the phone if you set it up.
You can access quickly search contacts by force touch ie light long passing on phone icon.
On a side note force touch works with all icons as a short cut, what you can do depends on what it's been set up to work with.
Camera app for example give you option to take different types of photos. Photo app give you option to search your camera roll.
Remember you can also ask Siri to open things , phone or message anyone in your contacts too.
manual search is all done via Spot light which is a pretty powerful and hand in built search tool.

Thanks. My wife has set it up with her phone number. My brain wasn't working very well at the time. I just decided to walk home . After a nap I felt a lot better.
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