My Commuting Workhorse

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My steel Raleigh with new handlebars and stem, still a very quick, super smooth and silent ride. 105 Derailleurs and Deore shifters.
How far is your commute? You have to carry a lot of stuff? Also, what kind of roads? Sorry to ask so many questions but I tend to see so many flat bars or drops out there but just wondered how this style of bike fits in (I am a firm believer though that if it's comfy and fast enough then the looks don't matter, so I'm not judging, just curious!)


hi Easytigers, I recently spent time in the Netherlands where as you know this handlebar style is prevalent, although the bikes I got to use over there were heavy and either single speed or 3 speed, and I thought I could make my racer much more comfortable by emulating the Dutch style by changing the bars as it was a lightweight bike and had enough gears for Cornwall. I ride 13 miles each way and carry spare clothes in a waterproof bag on the rack as well as the pump and repair kit and my lunch!. The route is all B roads with 2 seriously steep hils on the way to Penzance, the gear range is indispensable, I find that at the end of the journey I have more energy as the upright position isn't as tiring to me and takes away all the strain I feel in my wrists and back at the end of a long day,although a strong headwind is something I contend with by hunkering down. I do have a 125cc scooter for when the weather is really bad in the winter. All said I can't see myself going back to drops in the near future.
Thanks!!! It's not a bar I'd ever considered before (and still might not!) but it must have a lot of merit if other countries have taken it on...Guess we're (me included) just slaves to what is the norm here!
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