New forum: Rider's Tales


CycleChat has a new forum - Rider's Tales

It's a work in progress, but the aim is for it to be a space for creative writing - but with the obvious cycling bent (pun intended :thumbsup: ).

It's for longer accounts that are meant to be more like the feature articles you get in magazines: posts that people have put a lot of work into and are designed to be given a leisurely perusal.

There are a few stories in there already to get it started, and please feel free to copy and paste accounts you've written in the past or articles you've posted on your blogs or CGOAB ... :biggrin:

As it is intended to be an articles-style forum, chatty 'conversational' threads may be moved elsewhere if they do not contain a "feature" first post.

So, get cracking and post your rider's tales so we can all have a good read.

Shaun :biggrin:


New Member
I vote for it being renamed "Tales Of The Unexpected".


For whom the bell dings
I like the idea of this and will contribute. I already have a story bouncing around my head...
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