olympics halo effect?

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nothing in moderation
i noticed a couple of things as the organised event i was on passed through barmouth.

firstly, we were cheered by some members of the public as we came through (most of us were in club kit so probably looked like a team).

secondly, and most surprising, was that a couple of chavvy types who were queueing in the car going the other way shouted out words of genuine encouragement as we went through in a speedy line.

has our boys' and girls' successes in beijing given cyclists a pr shot in the arm? be nice to think so…

Mr Pig

New Member
alecstilleyedye said:
has our boys' and girls' successes in beijing given cyclists a pr shot in the arm?

I'm sure it has. Last about a week though...
yep, same happened to me yesterday. was pushing to see what i could get out of my brompton, chav nova goes by, but instead of abuse, they shout "go on give it some hoy" with cheers and thumbs up. ;-)

cheers, velocidad.


Senior Member
Birmingham, UK
I've certainly noticed a significant rise in bike related sales on Ebay - and I'm pretty sure it isn't because of the weather! To a lesser extent the same thing happened when the Tour de France visited last year. Hopefully the fact that we have the olympics in 2012 will keep cyclists' recent successes in mind for a while and we'll all benefit from less aggressive driving and a few more smiles.
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