Plans for the weekend?

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Working. :tongue:

Nights. :biggrin: :smile:


Smutmaster General
User76 said:
Off to Cawsand in Cornwall. W e are staying in a friends cottage, which has the appearence of being made from papier mache in about 1811:wacko: No bike, but taking my running shoes and fishing rod:biggrin:
Nice spot... spent Xmas there once...


Flim Flormally
PrettyboyTim said:
I quite fancy visiting the RAF Museum with a selection of my children.

Do it! Went to the Dutch airforce museum with my son aged about 8. Biking home afterwards he looked up at me and said, "Dad, that was the best day of my life."


New Member
I've been once before with one of my older daughters - it was a great day, especially as we actually ended up chatting to a couple of guys who were in bomber crews during the second world war. I think my youngest (3) is now old enough to get a real kick out of it - especially as he has several aeroplane toys of his own. I think he might end up being a bit loud though... ;D


And of course, I can't wait for this one, which is inevitable:

"Daddy! Look! It's a helicockter! A HELICOCKTER!"


Flim Flormally
Is it the one in Hendon? If so, I've been there as well, and very nice it is too.

Some friends of friends of ours in Barnet once hosted a German family for a week and didn't understand why they got a bit embarrassed upon being taken there for the day. The German family got their own back the next day when taken to St Paul's: "We used to have beautiful cathedrals like this until you lot f@cking bombed them all!"


New Member
Alan H said:
Is it the one in Hendon? If so, I've been there as well, and very nice it is too.

Some friends of friends of ours in Barnet once hosted a German family for a week and didn't understand why they got a bit embarrassed upon being taken there for the day. The German family got their own back the next day when taken to St Paul's: "We used to have beautiful cathedrals like this until you lot f@cking bombed them all!"

Yeah, our boys had a knack of hitting the target like that, such a shame ;):biggrin:


PrettyboyTim said:
I've been once before with one of my older daughters - it was a great day, especially as we actually ended up chatting to a couple of guys who were in bomber crews during the second world war. I think my youngest (3) is now old enough to get a real kick out of it - especially as he has several aeroplane toys of his own. I think he might end up being a bit loud though... ;D


And of course, I can't wait for this one, which is inevitable:

"Daddy! Look! It's a helicockter! A HELICOCKTER!"

My five year old had a Concorde obsession so we took him to RAF Duxford and he spent an hour going round and round the Concord exhibit. One of the elderly chappies who worked there came up and said. "Well, what do you think? One of the fastest ever commerical planes to have flown". My son's response was something along the lines of 'yes, but it will never fly again after the Paris crash will it. And it's not the fastest plane to have flown because that's the Blackbird which is in the other hangar. Did you know that when it takes off the fuel tanks leak because they have to expand and when it lands it takes hours to cool down before to allow the pilot to leave the plane.................................." ;)

He used to sit in the bath and say to me "Dad, why won't Concorde fly again?" I don't know if he was hoping I would say "alright son, just for you let's have one more flight". :biggrin:


Meme bar
gezza said:
relentless training for the etape:sad:;)

With a morning off on Saturday to meet up with me. We are thinking of dropping into HM Castle, Windsor on the way back...if not for soup then a cuppa!:biggrin:

I will try for photographic evidence of gezza's bicycle as he's a bit shy to post in the gallery :biggrin:
Working over the week-end. ;) :biggrin:

Next Thursday going to Birmingham for a couple of nights. Any one know of a good fish and chip shop near to the ICC/Symphony Hall?


Legendary Member
Tube into London, the London Eye tomorrow morning, kill a bit of time then across to the 02 Arena for the Tutenkhamun exhibition in the afternoon...:biggrin:
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